Can't connect to Internet on laptop even though others work

Anoop - Updated by Ambucias on 6/02/17 at 05:08 PM
 Anoop - Feb 7, 2017 at 12:47 PM
We have 3 laptops in the household. Mine fails to connect on Internet sites even though signal is strong. It goes into the connecting mode and locks on endlessly. I have windows 8 and need help as to How I can overcome this problem. Please can somebody help me!


1 response

KY_WD Posts 2053 Registration date Thursday October 23, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 28, 2017   122
Feb 7, 2017 at 08:30 AM
Hi there Anoop,

The fact that the other 2 lappys are able to connect to the network at least, indicates that there's no problem with the router and the domestic network itself. In order to get a better perception of the situation that you are into, I need you to answer these questions:
1. What operating systems do the other 2 laptops have?
2. Since when you started to receive this error?
3. Have you tried connecting the laptop to other wi-fi networks?
4. Are you able to connect to Internet when using an Ethernet cable directly attached to the router's port?

When you have the time, come back to the topic to share more details. Cheers.
Problem Solved! Laptop needed a driver update. Thanks for your help.