The discussions
My fb profile is disabled by mistake. how many days taken for aproved my appeal
Hello, Hai..... My profile is Disabled 1st July 2019. I can do appeal also Still Not No any replies. I need Enable My Profile as soon As Possible ...
Cannot sign in
Can't sign in to my fb because I don't have access to phone or email
Can t reset my facebook password
Hello, I cannot reset my facebook password! I send photo with my passport to facebook and I still waiting an answer from them for 2 weeks ! It s a...
My facebook profile is disabled so how to reacitave
Hello, already 9days over. appeal also done but no replied still. Ramesha CM Colourful Gowdas
Cannot verify my identity
Hello, So. Been locked out of FB last few days. Personal account is ‘hidden’ and business Pages whilst visible, cannot be edited - I have no admin...
Cannot verify identity
Hello, So. Been locked out of FB last few days. Personal account is ‘hidden’ and business Pages whilst visible, cannot be edited - I have no admin...
Facebook disabled
Hello, Hello sir. i am Amir Hasib. I am real person. My account disible.please solved the email address you entered is not associated with a...
Account locked on facebook but not letting me access confirm idenity
Hello, My account has been locked yet when I try confirm my identity the page does load. I've tried on multiple devices and computers yet every ti...
My fb account was disabled
Hello, My fb acc was disable plz help me. I wanty fb acc back plz sir.
Recover facebook
Hello, good evening please how can i recover my facebook lost account and password without email address or phone number please, cause i lost my phone...
To delete fb account of my since he forgot his number and password and his old p
Hello, Please how can i delete my friends fb account when he don't remember his number nor his password and his phone also is damage.
Recover my facebook account
Hello, im eva linda sangalang medios and i want to get back my old facebook acount which is ***@*** with username of adnil ave, i think it will de...
Facebook disabled
Hello, my fb says it's disabled and it's doesn't open even if i put the correct password and number so what can i do i need it
Facebook account blocked
Hallo Goodmorning I have my Facebook account blocked i can’t login my Facebook account by 2 month Prowlm is unfortunately can’t login my Facebook ...
Id verification
What are the steps after sending facebook my state ID for verification and how will they contact me ?
My facebook account was hacked
Hello Pls my account is been hacked Pls I want you block it
Facebook hacked
Hello, My Facebook was hacked and email and password been changed please help me .
Recover my facebook account
Hello, My facebook account is not open.
Hello, I can not download reason why facebook been disabled
Facebook account unfortunately, you won't be able to access my accouunt problem
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience...
My personal account was disabled
Hello, sir i have a verified facebook account but facebook unfortunately disabled by mistake. than when i want to submit my document by go to help c...
Profile identity login connection lost
Hello sir, When i log into my profile can't logged. Because first 'Get Identity Started' showing after showing 'Connection lost' What's wrong with...
Hello, I lost my old Mobil and I can't get any code my new mobil already sent many more time my authentication I'd now how I get my code to log in...
My old facebook id doea not open and missing my mobile number
Hello, my Facebook it nod opening with old password, and my mobaile number is missing
Temporarly locked facebook
Hello, My Facebook account was temporarly locked.i am not getting code to my mobile to unlock the account.please help me to unlock. ...
How can i retrieve my account
Hello, Hello,what can I do to get my account back
How to delete my hacked facebook account without posward
Hello, My facebook account hacked a person and share my all data on Facebook. How we can block or deleted it permanently
Facebook appruval code note received
Hello, I have have phone but i have not receive code So please my Facebook account reopen
My facebook account disable
Hello, My Facebook account disable
Facebook id disabled
Hello, How i recovered my face book id "Mutahir Bhatti"
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Myself Manjunatha my facebook account is been disabled from 13th June not able enable it kindly help to enable and recover back my account....
Facebook account hacked
Hello, hi sir my fb account is hacked by unkown person and this account is important this is my Email @***
Documents in revew hell
Hello, Been in review hell for months now I followed there id requirements they have sent me codes on my phone and even sent mail to my address with...
Hacked facebook account
Hello, My Facebook account was hacked
Fb page disabled
Hello, How to recover my Facebook page as Permanently Disabled Please help me
Account recovery
the recovery link facebook is sending doesn't work.. what should i do ? this is a personal account.. thanks
Disable ineligible facebook account,
Hello,Sir my Facebook account has been disable ineligible by Facebook authority,What is the main cause of disable,I comment related to cricket match b...
You can’t use facebook right now
We are reviewing the photo you sent at 3 July we are always looking for your security
Photo id copy upload to fb
Hello, Where in my Facebook account can I find the link to upload a copy of my ID to Facebook to verify my identity?
Reopen my facebook account
Hello, sir please reopen my real fecebook account
Facebook reviewing documents
How solve it after this massage "We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help with confirming your name,...
Facebook i'd disabled
Hello, My personal or real Facebook I'd was mistakenly disabled by Facebook authority since last 8,10 days and I contact many times to Facebook ...
My disabled facebook account
My disable facebook account open please
Facebook disabled account
Hello, My Personal Account Has Been Disabled This Me My Name Facebook Petak Lontong Petak Lontong Me Can't Email Use My Number Phone 081266213895 Plea...
Facebook confirmation code to email instead of phone
Hello, can i get a confirmation code for facebook to my email instead because i don't have a phone
Hello sir u help me some one my account disabled so how remove that
Hello, sir some one made me in my facebook account disabled so how remove that disabled help me sir
Can't verify facebook account
I've been temporarily locked out of Facebook due to something about suspiciousactivity on my account.. a week ago I was hacked somehow an had spam pos...
Hello please remove block list
Hello, Hello y did block me sir
How to open disabled facebook account
Hello, sir my Facebook account was disabled Pls help me tip open Thank you
Hacked and disabled account
Hello, A Friend's Facebook account was hacked and no longer active, one cant even see it in search box. What can one do to recover the account? ...