The discussions
Urdu to english
On my face book language has change from English to Urdu how to change it back
Fb messenger
Hello, If I take a person out of a group message on messenger. Can I add them back in Configuration: iPhone / Safari Indeterminable
Hello, I keep receiving emails from your website that I do not wish to receive. I cannot figure out how to unsubscribe. I don't know how you recei...
Facebook change to english language
SolvedI'm traveling in Vietnam and my Facebook page got hacked so it's in Chinese. I can't get to any help pages as every Facebook help page just takes me a...
Lost my phone and want to access my facebook
Hello, I have lost my phone and want to access my Facebook account but can't. Can I change my past phone number to present phone number? Config...
Facebook account temporary disabled
aoa Dear Friends My facebook account is tem closed. I also could not verified my huge number of friends during verification. pl help me.
Facebook account disabled
Sir, i have been using fb since last Saturday (28/05/016)..the same day my account opened and I tried to open my inbox....suddenly I got sign out.....
Messages hacked
My Facebook messages are being read by someone other than the intended recipients. The little check mark at the bottom and the text "Seen at.." is sho...
Hacked and somebody else is logged in as me
My facebook account is hacked. I cannot access the account settings, privacy or security settings. I want to secure the account so that only my phone...
Facebook not open
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and ...
Someone else's facebook on my laptop
Hello, Someone else has been using my laptop and now his Facebook page is loaded after I try and click on Ask on the Internet. How can I delete hi...
Format protected flash memory
Hello, How can I format a protected flash memory? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83
Facebook account doesn't open
Hello, My facebook account doesn't open please help me
Why my account is disabled
Hello, Why my a account is disabled Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Not logged in to my account
Hello, i cannot log in to my account because it shows this types of things- We’ve detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have te...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account is disabled ..pls help on how to recover my avcount.... Thnk u so much Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Access my account on facebbok
Hello, Still cannot access my account! Configuration: iPhone / Mozilla Indeterminable
Change language of facebook from urdu to english
Hello, I don't know how mu facebook page language turned to Urdu. I can't read it. I want my facebook page back in Englisg language. Please help. ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, I'm cedrick creachconnie,I don't why my fb account is disabled Please help me with my account back please Configuration: Windows 7 / Ch...
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
Hello this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing thes...
Change my computer language from japanese to english
hello,can you change my language to english petty please
Facebook problem
In fb Whenever i like pages some pages are getting unlike by it self. How many times I like that page it gets unlike after some times . So Please hel...
Facebook not recognising my password
Hi. I think my FB has been hacked. On my PC if I try and log in and for a few seconds I manage to get in to my account and then I get a box up askin...
Facebook account has been blocked
Hello, Hello, My facebook account has been blocked I need to recover it back I have been asking for recognition of some tagged pictures whic...
Account disabled
Hello, I can't copen my fb accout.they are showed "Your account has been disabled" wht i can do
Facebook tells me to log back in
Hello, each time i try to log into my facebook about it tells me to log back in. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.102
Didn't use my real name on fb
I didn't use my real name some 5yrs ago for security reasons of my own. My account was disabled I was sent a message for proof but was busy for a few ...
How can i recover my deactivated hacked facebook account?
Hello, will you please help me for my problem of my deactivated favebook account? I want to retrieved it i have lots of memories there. specially ...
Facebook someone posting pics on my page
SolvedI am in real trouble these days because of a facebook virus, which shows other friends that i liked something weird/sexual post, which appears automat...
Old facebook account was disabled
Hello, my old Facebook account was disabled and i haven't been able to find it until i logged on to another account and i was friends with myself......
hi my face book page where you likes;comments add freinds it all went in french i do not know how to fix it i am disabled can you fix it for me if i g...
Facebook account blocked
Hello, My Facebook account has been blocked. Please help me resolve it.
Frustrated! need help getting back to my old account!
I am wanting to get back to my OLD FB account. TrishandLarryJewett. Please help!!!!!!l Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.102
Why was my account disabled
Hello, how to enabled my id lucky akter Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.86
How we remover fake account from fb
hello, someone create fake id with my name and miss using real my pics, how can i remove this id or find person who made this fake account.
Friend request responses & chatheads
Hello, Android OS Is is possible that a Facebook chat head notification was sent when someone who has their Facebook Profile set to only allow Frie...
I can't log into facebook - name confirmation
Hello, I've submitted my passport, Visa and school ID and I keep getting emails saying it's invalid., Right first and last name. Please help, ...
Can't log in
Hello, Someone hacked my account and removed my number and mail from account. I already tried to recover my account and reset my password. But I can...
If this account reflects your real name and personal information
Hello, sir my account please publish Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Facebook can't login to any of my accounts
Hello, My facebook login says theres an error whats goin on cant login to any of my accounts? please help. Thanks. Configuration: iPhone / Chro...
Facebook page help after win 10 install
Hello, just upgraded to windows 10 cant find my facebook page Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
Facebook disabled
Hello, my name is shoiab . My fb ac is disable plz help me i am wait for unswer thank you Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How to open my facebook block.
Hello, We’ll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help confirming your name, we’ll reach out for ad...
Please enable my account
Hello, Face book administration please enable my face book account , this account is my life and i have a lot of photos and friends and the hi...
Facebook your computer is being affected by malware
Hello, i have lost the use of my facebook, i think someone has hacked it and i can't get in because a sign saying your computer needs cleaning ...
Facebook accout disabled
Hello, Hi my name is Ahmad ayaash My account is disabled plzzz help me I want get back my account plzzz help me Configuration: iPhone / C...
Fake accounts on fb
Hello, Sir plz help me someone create arround 4 to 5 fb accounts of my sisiter and i don't knw how can i stop this when i search with n...
My facebook blocked
Hello, Why my acct block, please i want to back my acct how please,@ Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
Facebook disable
Someone changed my fb account email and password so i cant open
Please give me advise for It Someone Changed my facebook Account Email and Password So what I do now ? I cnt open my A/c i need Help