The discussions
Facebook and email hacked
Hello, Sir my two fb account hacked by some one within two days. I want re open or delete these account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.256...
Want recover my facebok account
Plz help me i want recover my facebok account
Disabled account!
Hello, My Facebook account was disabled in 2011 and I have been trying to get it back with my ID but Facebook isn't doing anything about it. It was...
Uneble to login my facebook
SolvedHello, Thank You Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patie...
Unable to logging facebook
Hello, this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing the...
Facebook not open
Hello, my facbook not open
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while th
Hello, I cant open my profile can someone help me?
I forgot my password
Hello, I forgot my password. i have to recover it .Please do the needful. Thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Facebook account hack
Hi when I tried to login to my Facebook account another email address pops up which is not mine and then I am ask to up load driver license ssi number...
Fb disabled
Hello, can you help me my fb account has been disabled please help me that FB have my family pic and the remembrance when im a child please help me f...
Complain about fake id
Solved/ClosedHello, some one using my father picture and name by fake id .please remove this account. This is fake id. Our personality is loosing by . Please r...
My facebook email, password &number was hacked
Hello, Hi my facebook has been hacked they change my email and password and the number in facebook how do I get it back to get in my facebook??? ...
Hacked my fb
Hello, my fb was hacked by some one so please say how to open my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Cant find facebook account sign up
Hello, i just want to ask what happened . i use to log in on fb now when i try to put the the url it gets me back to google. why is that so ? ...
Disabled account
Hello, Tryd to log on to my face book account but it's been disabled have not done anything wrong how do I get back on ? Configuration: iPhone ...
Recovery facebook account
Hello, Today morning I have open Facebook account but in evening suddenly closed. .repeated showing wrong name sunata. Help me . Configuration...
Activate facebook
Hello, I want to activate my facebook account is disabled how do i get back on sure would like to reply to my friends Thank youDarlene rush C...
Facebook disabled
my facebook account was disabled about two months ago. please assist me in restoring it back. this was done without any notice from facebook. Thanks ...
Facebook not connecting
hello,sir iam hari my computer facebook web page is not available display please solved problem.
Change my facebook password
Hello, Hello sir my my account ***@*** my a/c is temproly lock and i have forrget my paasword i have don't used feaceboock pleace i want to chang...
Facebook disabled
Hello, my f.b account is suddenly off & showing disabled,when i was trying to sign in f.b...plz,help can i enabled my f.b account.
Open my facebook without code
ClosedHello, how I can open my Facebook withour code Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Disabled account
Hello, How are you dear ? i hope so your getting well sir My Facebook got Disable how i can open please sir help i need it to open it . C...
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, my face book account disable without any reason plz help me in enable of my face book accountConfiguration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.256...
Hello, Please send code on facebook
I forgot the answer of my security question in facebook.
Hello, I need a help I can't remember what's the answer of my security question in Facebook. Pls help me. Thank you, Marne Configura...
Facebook login approval
Hello, I've lost my phone number and I can't get access to facebook login. That's why I want to get access to my facebook. Thanks. Configuration:...
Sandy disurza
Hello, why not open my fb Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 46.0.2490.80
Deleted fb
Hello, my phone has been hacked and my Facebook deleted please help Configuration: iPhone / Safari Indeterminable
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, please my facebook id back Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
Facebook account is disabled
Hello, Hello, my facebook account is disabled so plz solve this problem as soon as early. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Deactivating hi5 account
Hello, please how do i deactivate or unsubscribe my account with hi5? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 44.0
Disabled facebook account
Hello, sir please opan my disabel ecount Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 18.0.1025.308
Old facebook account was hacked
Hello, Sir My Wife's old facebook account was hacked by her ex boyfriend and he's using it to humiliate my wife.. can anyone help me about this? than...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, someone hacked my Facebook account yesterday change my login info to deleted by and deleted my phone number and change my ...
Facebook account hacked
My account was hacked and everything was changed. And I mean everything, I don't even know how. They changed the email and everything. It doesn...
Hacked facebook account
Hello, My name is colin graham my facebook account was hacked a few months ago and login information has been changed I've tried reporting it but fa...
Recover facebook account
I no longer have access to my email and i have forgot my password to facebook how can i recover my account
Hacked off !!
Hello, i have been cyber hacked and all gmail passwords for facebook etc have been changed please help have not had access since 12.2.2016 help ! ...
Can no access my facebook account
Hello, This is what I saw when I want to login my account! Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these addi...
Fb asking for id
Hello My Facebook is block and they Said Send me your id I am so sad because its my 5th id Why why i want my FB back plz help me i sent my id but...
Secure your account
Hello, My Account is Secure Your Account Please Help Me Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Can't play critical ops
my facebook i can t play critical ops becouse region and accoun banned
Facebook temporarily blocked
Hello, I have tried again but still unable to access to my FB account. Please advise what should I do again. Thank you Configuration: W...
Change from french to english
Hello, I do not no what happened but my FB is in French how do I change it back to English I don't even understand French pls help regards louiae ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, how do i can get back my account so plz help me ! Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 30.0
Temporarily locked
Hello, The pages are created using Tania Chen facebook account which was locked. I needed the pages back as i have spent a few hundreds dollars...
My laptop cannot open facebook
Hello, guys help me out here my laptop is failing to open or can I say loading the facebook page,what surprises me is that there is internet and I...
Temporary locked
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I have an questions, i have posted 3 web pages snd boosted some adverisements. I have spent a few hundreds...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account
Hello , this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing thes...