The discussions
Facebook login issues! help asap!
Hello, my name is Matt and i have a problem. Ok. I have a issue on my computer with and only facebook. It will let me login and see that ...
Would like to resurrect my facebook profile
SolvedHello, I deleted my Facebook account on March 18, but I sorrowfully regret it. There are many people I am no longer in contact with, both family a...
Facebook deletion
Hello, i want to delete my fb a/c bt dnt knw the password i forgot please send me a valid answer.... Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explo...
Hacked facebook account
Hello, my Facebook was hacked and someone has changed my email, password, phone number, and security question so that there is no way for me to g...
Facebook won't let me log in
Hello, My facebook won't let me log in. Mi picture is there, but someone elses email address is there and wants the other persons password. I want my...
No pics on facebook
Hello, urjent my facebook account opens but no pics and data is available and comes line by line how can i open it
Facebook is not letting me log in
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0 everytime i try to log onto facebook it keeps coming up a little box with internet ex...
My facebook account was disabled.
Hello, My account was disabled since 24/07/2012 without any reason, and I am sure that I did not publish any unapproperiate content, so I t...
Not getting facebook confirmation!
ClosedHello, I am trying to add my new gmail to my facebook account. I click on "add new email" and put in the new one and everything, then it tells me ...
Facebook account got hacked
Hello, someone hacked my facebook account and he shared some dirty picutures on it kindly help me to solve this
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, hi i m Tika paudel. My facebook account is disabled mistakly. i couldnt reactivate my account. please help me Configuration: Linux / Fir...
Facebook code confirmation problem
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 536.11 i face confirmation problem facebook cannot resend me this code He says: Once you'v...
Recover facebook photos videos i've deleted
SolvedHello, I've deleted some photos & videos from my facebook account and now I want to recover them please tell me how can I do it and thanks
Facebook login problem
Hello, No verification methods are currently available. Please come back later. Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 536.11
How to able my facebook account??
Hello, Can you help me how to open my facebook account plzz help me! please hel me!
Facebook nt being opened.....
SolvedHello, my facebook account is showing me security check point issue, n asking me to scan my PC...i hv scanned my PC n nw its free from ...
Login my facebook account
ClosedHello, syeeda ambareen i cannot login my account from past 5 days. when i login it say to secure ur account.i dont want to secure, it is ...
How can i delete my hacked facebook id
Hello, some one take my face facebook can i delete it? plz help me Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 536.11
Facebook certificate expired
Hello, my facebook page is not opening as the certificate expired i adjust the time and settings but after that also my page is not opening.....
My facebook is locked please help
Hello, sir my facebook is locked. and facebook team send a message to my friends mobile number but now he is not accepting any call . so iam not a...
Facebook n twitter not working
Hello, In my PC all sites are working fine except facebook n twitter ..every time i log in it n it stops working n show weird patterns ..this prob...
Facebook how can i get the security code ?
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.5.6 please help me how can I make them resend the security code because they want it and I for...
Facebook login problem
Hello, please sir ....rectify to my .....face book login problem Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 536.5
Fake facebook account
SolvedHello I want to delete my fake Facebook account plz help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 7534.48.3
Disabled facebook account
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 536.11i can't login my facebook account i dont have any idea why this thing happened, only prior with...
My yahoo and facebook are hacked plss help me
Hello, My Yahoo and facebook account both are hacked i dont know what to do! that hacker changed my password in yahoo also even the security quest...
Lost facebook account info but need to login
Hello, I forgot my password and email for my account. I really need to access it asap. please help. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explore... fb account not login
Hello, iam nitin vast my fb account not login problem is error page not found please sir my fb account activate please. Configuration: / Oper...
Hello, I am getting this certificate warning on my macbook pro using Safari 5.1.7 and Mac OS X 10.7.4. It just seemed to start doing this withi...
Facebook delete fake id
SolvedHello, sir I need ur help, someone made fake account of mine on facebook... please help me to delete that account System Configuration: W...
Facebook not loading
Hello, i m devesh plzzz! help me in sorting out why i m not able to access facebook site . Ive tried a no of methods but none of them worked ...
How can i open my facebook window
Hello, hi i can't get onto facebook please help Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 534.57.2
Fake facebook profile
Hello, How to remove the fake facebook profile.....its disturbing and harassing school going children.pls remove this id Configuration: Windo...
Skype, gmail and facebook can not open!1
Hello, Pleas help me I'm stack. My laptop just stoped allowing me to open face book, gmail and skpe I dont know what ahappened. Otherwise, all oth...
Facebook can open home page
Hello, sir i opened my face book ,can'T loaded the home page, please help me.. Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 535.1
Facebook confirmation code
Hello, / Mozilla Inde
Facebook account got hacked
Hello, some one hack my Facebook account and change the password and email..and i try everything i can to get it back but for nothing...pleas if an...
My writing on facebook and email has got so s
Hello, why has my writing gone so small in facebook and email, I can,yt rread it, I lost my little icon on the right to maximize my writing. m...
Can't log in into facebook
Hello, I don't know what happened to my fb account this morining I was trying to login and they said I have to verify my account !! The choices was ...
Problems logging onto facebook
Hello, I have been unable to log onto facebook for over a week now either from my mobile phone or computer. Each time I try to log on it keeps asking ...
Facebook reactivation must wait 22 hrs
SolvedHello, well my facebook got deactivated and it says I cant reactivate it untill 22 hours. What can I do to reactivate it faster??? Help me please
China facebook problem
Solved/ClosedI am staying in china and cannot access my facebook account. I am a saony vio user and want to access facebook....Please can anyone help me..?? Con...
I can not use my facebook account
Hello, I can not use my facebook account from two days ago. When I logon my a/c, there any option not active, my details are unavailable and my a/c ...
Hack my facebook id
Hello, whos person hack my facebook id please solved it Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.19
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 10.0.2 When i open my facebook acount it tells me that i have to verify that is my acount and it shows some...
Facebook account got disabled
Hello, sir my facebook account is disabled so pls tell me how to open my account Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.5
Recover deactivated facebook help!!!!!
Solved/ClosedHello, I've deactivated my facebook last year time, however I remember my email address but have forgotten my password. I no longer have access to...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, I humbly beg to say tht Suddenly without any Reason My FB account disabled kindly help me out to Reactivate ..Its needfull Configuratio...
Can't open my fb account frm normal computers
ClosedHello, I always use my itouch to for opening my fb account. These days I can't open anything else except my chat window and messages window on my itoc...