The discussions
Hello, sir reviewing my original account information longer than usual so plz help me
Hacked facebook account
Hello, My friend PST Collins **** Facebook account has been hacked. Please help to deactivate the account. An investigate to know the real owner.
Facebook paswrd rest cod not received on number
Facebook problem
Hello, I lost my sim card and I forget my Facebook password
Facebook i'd recovery
Hello, I have forgotten my password and also I don't have my email but I have the mobile number which I was using.but unfortunately if I try to reco...
Hello, I lost my sim card and I have forgotten my password
Facebook code
Hello, My name is Nobuhle. Iv lost my fone 2 month's back. M using a new device and number so i cant log into my facebook due to the code. my ...
I need help any one is here my facebook account is temporarily unavailable what
Hello, Help me please my Facebook account is temporarily unavailable what I do Android / Chrome 87.0.4280.101
My facebook account hacked someone
Hello, can you help me how i recover my facebook account?
Facebook account hacked and taken over
Hello, My Facebook account of 14 years was hacked. Now I cannot access it. I uninstalled the app from my phone and reinstalled. It just started a ...
Hello, You Can't Get Another Security Code Right Now We limit the number of times you can request security codes in a given amount of time. We ha...
Remove facebook fake account
ClosedHello, Please delete this fake account.
Am having the same problem i can't log into my facebook account,
Qm having the same problem, please can someone help me out?
Dear facebook, my facebook account was disabled by facebook two weeks ago. i am
Hello, Dear Facebook, My Facebook account was disabled by Facebook two weeks ago. I am an Artist, in my knowledge I didn't do any community s...
Cant acess facebook acount
Hello, I am facing following error after logging the account Thank you for sending your information. We have received it. We have fewer people...
Facebook account was hacked
Hello, How can I get access to my account without email or phone number to receive login code
Security check preventing login problem
SolvedHello Sir, A few days ago I had tried to convert my facebook ID in a facebook page. Then I had to enter a security code, which did not come. Please h...
I don't recover my facebook account without any reason
SolvedHello, Sir please recover my Facebook account
Reviewing your information to longer
Hello Sir, My personal Account Was Deseble.and i am Uploaded My Real Hand Holding Card.please Solve My Problem Thanks.
My personal facebook account is disabled,help
My account Facebook is disabled, I think for no reason . I don’t know what happened ,they ask for confirm, than wait we confirm you, no staff because ...
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual
SolvedHello, sir my real account Reviewing your information may take longer than usual Problem so plz help me
Confirm your identity with phone or computer
SolvedHello sir, I am the owner of this id. Suddenly your community guidelines make it temporarily lock. They need a login approva. At this time i have ...
Facebook account is locked or disabled friends codes invalid
I have 2 facebook accounts 1 is locked because I cannot reset my password and the friends codes are invalid the other account was locked because of an...
Forgeting password
Hello, I forgett gmail and facebook acoun
My account is not opening
Hello, Please help me
Hack account ff
Hack account ff
Fb disabled
Hello, i'm abu huraira plz help me my facebook has been disabled i want my account back plz help
I want to back my id
Hello, Hello Sir, Your Security System Has Been Disabled.My Real Account In Mistakely Now I Am Sending My Real Proof, Please Sir Review It And R...
I can't access my facebook account
SolvedHello, Firstly, I have forgotten my Facebook password. Now Someone reported my account. I can't give my old facebook password.What can I do at t...
Sir my face has been disabled i want recover my i'd plz
SolvedHello, Dear sir I have in a big problem because my Facebook has breed disabled sir, I want recover my account plz .
Facebook security check preventing login
ClosedI have been unable to login to my facebook for three weeks due to having a security check and the code going to my old number, I've tried everything t...
My facebook account hacked
Solved/ClosedHello, Sir Please I knew that my hacked facebook account password Name **** Birth **** Thanks
Recovering my facebook account
Sir,My personal facfbook Account was Disabled without any reason, Sir I don't post any illegal activities on my personal account, sir I follow Face...
Upload a photo id facebook
SolvedHello, I confirm my identity and my identity information match my facebook profile. Please sir.properly check my identity security and reply mail se...
I think my facebook account is hack
Hello, I think my Facebook account is hack
I mistake reset phone and lost sim card also i tried and tired need an sms for my facebook login 2 step verification
I can't login my facebook account
SolvedI can't login my Facebook account because of two factor authentication, i get code 3 times but it wasn't work , and I'm tried so many time but still i...
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual thank you for sending your
Hello, tReviewing your information may take longer than usual Thank you for sending your information. We have received it. We have fewer peo...
Hello sir i'm real user of this account. your security system by mistake disable
ClosedHello, Hello sir I'm real user of this Account. Your security system by mistake Disabled my personal Facebook account and you have disabled my acc...
Pel....sir my facebook id block sir this my id
Hello, hello sirhelp me
Hello, My Facebook account going to 3or 4 month ready in reviewing still same how long need to wait i submit my passport photo and confirm my Phon...
Hello, I can login to my Facebook it only show To continue, please confirm identity on a phone or computer you've used before.
I did not get l hav a unlok cod
Hello, Sir i did not get my unlok cod hlz help me
My facebook account is not opening and i can't get the code as well please help
Hello, My account is locked or disabled
Security check problem
Hello, My mobile number is not valid. So I want another number verify, my another number is already connect my facebook id. But there is no ...
My facebook get back plsss 1year plus still cant log in
Hello, We’ll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help confirming your name, we’ll reach out for addition...
No code being sent from fb to my email.
I can access my FB from my phones because app goes to it without log in. My home PC wants log in and I forgot my password. It says it will send a code...
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual
SolvedHello, Hello, sir my real account Reviewing your information may take longer than usual Problem so plz help me
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual
Solved/ClosedHello, sir my real account Reviewing your information may take longer than usual Problem so plz help me