The discussions
Can't open youtube videos
I can't open my youtube videos please anyone can help me I'm using tablet
Download movies
how to download videos and the application to use
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
I Cant open my facebook account Reason for: Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docume...
Fixed video problem with youtube
Solvedall I did was disable Adblock for Youtube and my video returned but I can still use Adblock otherwise
Restoration for a hp laptop
Hello, can I down load a restoration disk on my phone and the connect it to my HP laptop and ru it that way Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49...
Facebook is still reviewing the documents
Hi.. I cannot log in since facebook is still reviewing the documents I forwarded long will it takes?? Its been a days now
My facebook account was disabled
I just log in to my Facebook account this morning and i was shocked, my Facebook account was disabled for no reason why.pleas i need my Facebook accou...
Ransom ware help needed to open facebook account.
My computer was recently infected with a ransom ware virus. This has now been cleared but not before it disabled my facebook account. All was workin...
Windows 7 have internet connection but can't access it
So here's the problem. I'm using parallel desktop to enable windows 7 system on my imac but i can't connect to the internet. It tells me that it is co...
Hacked facebook account
Hello, some friend send me link and i have clik there was option to enter login id and password ,i did same after 5 minute they change my password i...
Facebook is in italian:)
Good morning to you all! I had 2 little boxes at top of my FB page. I must have hit it and changed language from Eng to Italian. now the "little boxe...
Facebook account login problem
Hello this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these a...
Change ip address using command prompt
Hello, how to change my system static ipaddress using commandprompt thanks & regards s.rajesh Configuration: Windows XP / In...
Language problem
SolvedThis morning my Facebook pages appeared in Portugese, which I do not know. I've tried the things I know to change FB back to English, but no luck. Lo...
I can't log into my facebook account
Hello, Am failing to log in my facebook account whenever l log in this message pops out : sorry an unexpected error occurred. Please try again later....
Hacking problems
How do I prevent a hacker from logging into my Computer
Cant login facebook
Hello, I can't access my old account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Can't log into my facebook
ClosedHello, I can't log into my Facebook under Zulfiyem sunda I have to old ones an it's sending me number's for old Facebook not the one I use want ...
Facebook login failed an unexpected error has occured
Hello everytime I try to log in to Facebook it comes up sayin ... sorry login failed an unexpected error has eccured please try again later it's been...
My account blocked plz open my account
Hello, asslamualikum my account bloked plz open my account Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 33.0
My account is block for to long how can i open it back.
Hello, My Facebook account is block how can I open it again pls help my account was block for to long. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564...
Disabled account
Hello My business account was disabled. I am not sure why or how to enable it...Please advise, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Can't find my old facebook
Hello, I can't find my old Facebook account . I don't have the same email and neither do I use the same phone number I provided while having the acc...
Disabled charity account
Hello, I work for a charity and our account has been disabled. Can you help me? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.110
How can i access my facebook account?
Hello, I can't open my facebook account. everytime i tried to open it this is what facebook say: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your ac...
Cant log in to my fb account
Hello, They say i log in my fb account with an ip adress that are associated with ISP or abusive behaviour what does it mean?please help me than...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we
No access to facebook since 23 april 2016 Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. ...
Wifi works, ethernet doesn't
SolvedAt this point, i've asked this question on 4 different sites without a single suggestion so i'm pretty stuck. I've spoken to tech specialists who also...
Asking for your help with my facebook issue
I'd like to ask if anyone can help me on how to log back into my Facebook account I know my phone number used on my account also sent my photo I'd but...
Can't open my account do to reviewing documents
Hello, I can't open my account do to reviewing documents. What documents? Can someone give me some answers to this problem & how long will it be dow...
Facebook app
How do I download a facebook application(old versions)
Permanent removed facebook fake id
Fake ID List: Mustaq Ahamed Nila Fake Mahia Raha Fake
In need of a little help
Hello, My daughter hooked her Amazon tablet to my computer, now my HP computer has me locked out showing a gmail account that she has never seen or ...
Acount blocked
Hello sir my acount is bloked plz sir i requested to open my fb and my id is nd fb name bxl xng india,assam
Can't open up my business facebook account due to reviewing docu
I can't open up my business facebook account due to reviewing documents. What documents? I need to post upcoming cancer benefit race I'm hosting & n...
Re sitting
Hello, I have a problem with my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105
I have tplink router model no tl-wr841n
Hello, Router is connected but it shows no internet connection detected. what is the problem with this router ?
Updating to win 10 from win 7
Hello, I updated my computer earlier but after a while stopped Skype and Firefox and Steam worked. I could ping in cmd also. But now I had to down...
Microsoft publisher
Hi! When I start to download m publisher it is first in english wich is fine but then when I schould load it to my pc it's french and then I stopped ...
Help with facebook please
Hello, when I try to go to Facebook to open it it says I'm Samantha and I'm not Samantha I'm Shylo Kinchela and I want my old Facebook turn back on ...
To reopen my disabled facebook account
ClosedHello,dear sir and madam sir and madam my account hasbeen disabled last night and i couldn't log in. Please sir help me to find out some solutions so...
Account disabled
Hello, my facebook is account is disabled what should i do and i already forget my yahoo password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 45.0.2454....
You tube vids
Pls help
Hello, How can i get my facebook account. im only 13 i dont have any goverment issues Photo ID ( passport,drivers license Any Link to disabled app...
How to stop fake fb account
Hello, Hello Sir, Can you let me know how to delete fake facebook account of mine created by someone and having my prof pic. please help me...
I forgot my yahoo mail password and security quewstions
Hello, I forgot my yahoo mail password and security quewstions Configuration: Windows / Chrome 49.0.2623.87
Urgent facebook hacked
please help me my face book has been hacked password is changed it got disabled because i was trying to log in all my sons pitures are on there from w...