The discussions
Identify id
Hello, Sir Identify my id & let's open a my facebook account. Plz..
I cant opened my acc
Hello, how can i open my f.b acc. when i login.. its say unfortunatly log out pls solved Configuration: Windows / Chrome 54.0.2840.99
Facebook fake account
Hello, Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0 Dear sir one person make my fake accounts Please help me I want to hack that i...
Forgot gmail password and security question
SolvedI forgot every thing regarding mail .I have important documents in mail pls help
How can i get my hacked facebook page.
Hi guy.I have a facebook fan page.I always wrote and posted the feeling status.That page was 100k members.One day I received a new message from facebo...
Google account disabled due to 'suspicious activity'
My gmail account has been suspended due to 'suspicious activity'. I have no idea what I may have done wrong as I only use my email for work and whilst...
The phone is reset
The phone is reset
Forgotten my password and security questions
SolvedHello, I have forgotten my password and security questions. How can I get in my gmail
Your account is temporarily unavailable
Hello, Why this please, I can't access my account Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Fake id deleted
Hello, please my fake id deletd
Your account has been temporarily blocked
Hello, Pls,my account has been blocked for the third time, and I don't know e reasons of me been blocked Pls kindly unblocked it for me Thank...
Facebook forget password & username
hello sir, I lost my password & username. so i could'nt open account. once i log in my account i didnt log out .so i forgot that my pas...
Facebook account
Hello, Sir mera facebook account erase ho gya hai kahi mill nahi raha hai Na hi khul raha kahi bhi so nahi ho raha hai plss help me
Find my hangout username
Please find mi hang out username and password
How to connect to internet from nokia 6030 to my laptop
Hi All, I have Nokia 6030 mobile with usb data cable. how to connect to Inernet from my mobile to Laptop. Kindly suggest. Thanks & Regards, Rames...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Please help me to active my facebook account. Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Can't open previous account
Hello, I cannot be able to open my previous a count please help me. I forgot all my log in Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My account disabled
Hello, my account has been disabled pls return back this is my account username: removed by moderator my name on fb is rohan chua pls help me asap ...
Gmail password recovery
I am new to this forum and was referred by a friend. My wife and I have used the same email address for years. My wife downloaded the app for Uber wh...
Want to change my dob on facebook
Please change my dob 27/11/1961 instead of 28/11/1961 on facebook
Gmail can't answer the recovery questions
Hi there I cannot log into my Google account nor my Gmail account I can't answer the recovery questions Please help Thanks NadzG77
Forgot my yahoo email password and security question
SolvedHello, I forgot my password and security question what to dooo? Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot password
please help me regain my password, my phone no had a problem
Help to opening my fb account
Hello, Sir, I Am shivam My Account Has Not Opening Please solve my request Please Solve My Facebook I'd
Can't login facebook this site can't be reached"
Hello, i can't login my facebook acount . when i click facebook screen appears" this site can't be reached"... i really don't know what happen.. ...
Forgot gmail password
Forget my password plz
Facebook account disabled reviewing documents
Hello facebook I am suffering facebook problem last 5 days. I am in Kolkata due to travelling, but cant use this... Its showing ... " Unfortunatel...
Certificate error navigation blocked
Hello, hi sir, I cannot access website it says that certificate error navigation blocked. what can I do? please help me solve my ...
Facebook security check
ClosedHello, My English is not good and because of this I apologize. When I log on facebook show this to me: (A confirmation code was sent to 070 668 ...
Facebook hack
Hello, My Facebook got hack by somebody I'm so much angry so i want to get it back i want and i need help so please help me fast Configuration: iPh...
Microsoft fix it
Hello, Windows Vista with Firefox browser: Problem started by trying tio use Toshiba usb 3.0 & 2.0 500Gig. This external drive functions on my (v...
Cannot access facebook on my laptop
Hello, Pls help me, cannot access facebook on my laptop Configuration: Windows / Chrome 54.0.2840.99
Need to sign in my google account
I need to sign in my Google account I.e ***@*** but I can't .... please help me
My facebook is disable
Hello:My facebook closed 6 days old because i have so much away from friends in 4230 than in my facebook,so you want to know the site is open to pleas...
Internet download manager download
hi guys i need internet down load manager so how can i uploaded it ? can u help me
App store not working
It says I have to sign in on my app store and I have to do something like recover and sign in and I have to type the n all this stuff and I haven't ev...
Facebook blocked
pls my facebook account has been blocked and i have been trying to recover it but all effort proves abortive
Facebook email address or password is dont match
i cant open my facebook account but i can see all other features while trying to log in i was told that my email addresd or password is slightly dont...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my id is disable please if anyone help me it would be greatfull Configuration: Configuration: Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chr...
I can not access my account
Hello, plz help me to start my facebook account of ***@*** Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 54.0.2840.99
Facebook account disabled reviewing documents
Hello, I can't open my Facebook all it keep saying is Thank You Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing t...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my name shazia parveen my fb account disabled sine 3 dasy please open my facbook account i send facebook imail but no reasion sent Confi...
Fake facebook account
Hello, actully some1 stolen my pic and creat a fake id .so plz kindly dlte dis soon as pssble Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2...
Need to get in facebook
Hello, I Dont remember my old cell number or email or password to my Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Adobe photoshop
how we can download adobe photo sop free?
How to import csv file in facebook?
I need to import a CSV file in Facebook for importing Skype contact list that I converted in CSV format. And, now looking for a way to import CSV f...
Google drive password
Hi, this is my first time on these forums I've been invited to contribute to a shared folder on Google Drive. After I click the link they emailed m...
Temprory locked fb account
My FB account was temprory blocked I had submitted Valid Government ID But still my account was blocked since last 6Days please help me
Unblock my account id
Hello, Hi,,,Sir/Man server can please unblock my facebook account? I need to use instanly because i have so many relatives to contact with me tro...