The discussions
Software installation
Hello, how should i connect my lg kp500 to my pc
Mobile pc connection
Hello, I want toconnect airtel interner throu my samsung GT-S5603
Whch pc suite does nokia 3110c require?
Hello, i have nokia 3110c mobile phone and i want to connect it to my pc for free internet browsing. kindly assist me by sending me a guidlines or a ...
I want my a3 mobile games
Hello, iam devendra i want my a3 mobile games plese sand me webside
Free antivirus download
Hello, i want to know is there any new frre antiviurus download edition availiable on net for keeping moblie safe from antivirus problems
How can i get free downloading setting 4 my nokia5
Hello,great Nigerian, i wil be glad if any one can give me free browsing and download code. As u do God phone number is 08062634266 &my emai...
For sale brand new nokia n900$230,samsung b76
LANAGRADE LIMITED we are one of the leading mobile phone distributorsis. We are Legitimate registered company under government registration and licen...
China mofile
Hello, i have chaina mobile e 71 my emi number isbut i am enable to acess my mobile because chaina mobile has clouse .
How to use internet connect with my pc
Hello, sir i am using karbonn k450 how to connect my phone to my pc i have use airtel & aircel networks
E71 pro
Hello,sir, please help me in downloading MT6227 driver software, send me the exact link or if any person is having that software kindly mail me at sa...
Wifi problem
Hello, i have bought samsung star wifi problem is wifi is conecting but i cannot login into yahoo,google etc.all the other websites like...
How to activate gprs/mms in china mobile n38+
ClosedHello,can you tell me now how to activate my gprs/mms connection in my china mobile phone model n38+ i'll be wait for your answer now thank you
Nokia classic software
Hello, How can I connect mobile with Computer? I need software.
G five u 808 driwer
Hello, dear sir send the link to me to download the driwer of china mobile u 808
English software for china mobile mt6225
Hello, I have bought amobile from China which is MT6225 having a single sim slot. But it is having all chinese software like GPS, Internet access and...
Mircro sd card
Hello, i brought a new micro sd memory card new from argos. I put it in my phone and formated it to get it working as instructions said to but it say...
Pc configuration
Hello, pls i need help and guideline on how to configure my pc using my nokia 3110. Pls help me
Usb connecting problm
Hello, im Nouman n i hav got a micro max q3 vry recently n i dint understand hw 2 cnnect ma fone 2 d USB (computer)....i request u giude me through d...
How to connect
Hello, how can connect to china to have unlimited download. please explained to me what are d materials that in need and cost to achieve this. , ...
How to downloas flash player in nokia 5130
SolvedHello, I am using nokia 5130Xpress music mobile and i want to download the Flash player on it,, can u plz help out me to download Flash player
Operamini5.0 multiop
Hi, pls i want to download opera5.0 multiop but i dont know hw to do dat, pls can u show me how to do that, my phone is mak nokia 3110c.
E71 pro softwares
Hello,sis, am using e71 pro china mobile. i want to know, 1. which pcsuite i can install to use my mobile for internet, if you have any pcsuite fo...
SolvedHello, I purchased Micromax Q3 it was working so nicely i liked that phone very very much, but one day it fall down and is not working properly like....
Fornat bokia 5130 xpress music
Hello, sie i wants to format my phone memory it has decreaed to 5.8mb plz help me sir waiting
Can i play media clip my nokia n73?
Hello, i can't play media clip my nokia n73 i want to listen bbc news
L need setup and configuration for my system
Hello, l need assisstance form freedom.
Formating my phone memory
SolvedHello, hi, my phone has attacked by virus ,which switch off my mobile , soo please tell me how to format my mobile phone memory,my phone is 6233 ...
Format the phone d880 (star)
Hello, I want the same thing..flash the you have something? Nick
Hello, Hello, i am using nokia 7210 i get a error not enough memory while playing videos or songs
What are the games can run in ace h9 mobile
Hello, please tell me that what games can be run in the ace h9 mobile & please tell how to run it (in discription)
Whr we go to change pc connection setting
Hello, Hello, i have samsung s3500 mobile, whn i try to connect the mobile with pc , it not connected. i try to change the PC connection setting ...
For my nokia 5130-2c
Hello, Dear sir! please answer the followings for my nokia 5130-2c to my mail box; 1. how to cancel security keyguard number which i gave? 2. what ...
Opera code 4.2
Hello, Edo boy pls am really in need of d opera new code 4.2, kindly send it to my id on or a txt to my phone on 07037400...
Counter strike
Hello, i have problem in playing counter strike online. when i try to join a game the message appears- invalid password. Please help me and give me a...
Wanna know made
Hello, please let me know the followings and send your answer to my mail box; 1. which code to type to my nokia 5130-2c to know which was made by wh...
Can my sidekick 08 be use as a modem?
Hello, I just want to know if my sidekick 08 can be use as a modem?
Upload pics
Hello, i've been trying for so long to upload my pics from my phone onto my computer & i can't seem to do it! or it tells me it's been uploaded then ...
Hello, what is the process for download games in sigmatel mobile phone
Pc suit
Hello, Hello, You have asked to receive replies to the message of Premal, entilted « Request for tke Pc suite softweare » posted on December 16...
U808 china mobile, operating software courupt
Hello, i am using g'five U808 china mobile, operating software courupted ,plz how can I repair my mobile?
Hello, nokia 7210 not enough memory
Send me airtel gprs setting
Hello, Nokia 7210 supernova. send me its very important . GPRS setting Air tel
Information seeting gprs
Hello, ...
Gprs seetting
Hello, my name is shekhar i want information about gprs seeting
Hello, this is sumanth my mobile sony erission w200i videos r not playing.when i send from pc to mobile it was not coming what i should do?suggest so...
I want to take internet conection on my mobi
Hello, i want internet conetion on my handse sony ericsson Z 550 i Can i do it. if possible please tell me how i do it
Request for tke pc suite softweare
Hello, how can i pc suite install? i have no any softwear & any installation dvd
Sd card won't work in my new phone
Hello, i got a phone and an micro SD. memorycard chip. i put the chip in my phone and plugged my phone into the computer, and added all the songs vid...