The discussions
Oracle assign grant and revoke privileges
SolvedHello, i am working with oracle 9i. I use SQL+ to execute queries of SQL using username Scott and password tiger. to implement TCL(transaction ...
Drawing an spher
Hello, Could i get the source code for a program in C for drawing a sphere, thnx.
Real time data integration on database
Hello, Thanks for all of the previous answers. We are now needing a real time data integration program. We have not found the right software yet....
Advanced c programing tutorial
Hello, please help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 534.3
1202 nokia
Hello, i have forget my security code of my handset nokia 1202. please help . . . . . . . . .
Covert .wpl to mp3
Hello, i want to convert .wpl to mp3 format . plz help Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Rename file based on data in file
SolvedHello, I'm hoping someone can help me create a batch file to rename text files in a specific folder to include data from the file. It is an aster...
Seaching for advanced visual basic tutorials
Hello, I searching for some advanced visual basic tutorials please help me
C++ program computing sum of squares of two
Hello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefox 3.6.3
Write date and time of files to a txt file
Hello, I want a batch file that I can copy into a directory and then run it that will read the date and time the files were created and write them...
Uninstalling program problem!
So, I heard about Corel, the photo editting program, and I downloaded it to try it out. I wasn't satisfied with it so I uninstalled it, by going Contr...
How to make screen saver in vb
ClosedHello, i am vikash rathour.please e-mail me the code for making animated screen saver.
Vba help finding a word then copy cell above
SolvedHello, I don't know where to begin writing a macro for the following: I have 2007excel & In column A I have these numbers in parentheses and the wor...
Copy from multiple sheets to one & delete dup
Hello, I have multiple sheets, all formatted the same. I want to copy column A from these sheets (starting in cell A5 to end) and paste to an exi...
Header and footer in html
Solved/ClosedHello, Is it possible to include a header and footer file using HTML? I have my file (saved as a .html) and need to be able to include the HTML for t...
Program code needed.
Please give the program code of this problems: 1. Enter a number (x) and get the average of all numbers from 1 to x. 2. Enter a number (x) and pr...
SolvedHello, I want to a formula for excel documents enter date output day. for exmample I entered 09/14/2010 then i found tuesday. I try more but not s...
Vb, having trouble with code
Hello, I have tried a few ways and it keeps closing out on me I have 2 columns, J & K which I would like to move the values in column K to empty ar...
Program of histogram
SolvedHello, can you send me the code for drawing histogram using simple inbuild functions in c? thanks
Help abt cmd
Hello, i m breev . i want to know that can i run a avi file or a movie on command prompt......? is there is any way dat i can run movie through...
Need any game in c code
Hello, plz send me any game in 'c' wid code Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Copy files from text list with spaces
SolvedHello, I am trying to create a batch file to copy files from a list of locations in a .txt file to a new location. The code below gives me an er...
Splitted mkv files
SolvedHello, How do I join splitted mkv files? I downloaded movies from the internet. The files format is xxx.mkv.001, xxx.mkv.002, xxx.mkv.003.......
How can i fetch data from ms access database
SolvedHello, how can I fetch data from an ms access database and show it in my form using a combo box?! just like search engines... can you hand me s...
For getting hiding technick of java code
Hello, when writing programs in java(java2) I don't know the hiding technick of code. Please give me the help Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Create signup form for website in .net frame
hello sir/mam, i m a student doin engg from a presitigious college. i want to know how to create a sign up form for my website in .NET framework ...
Extracting file name from folder
Hello, Can anyone suggest how to extract file names from any folder ? I have folder with 12985 files and i want name of that. Thanxs in advance...
School management
Hello, i need source code 4 school management in help Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Computer softwear engineering
Hello, I would like to introduce myself to Forum. My name is Mya Lay Naing. I live in Myanmar (Burma). I want to learn Java programming language. I c...
Pac compiler or autoit problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, I had a problem with autoit when I used to compile it into an executable and I get the same problem with PAC Compiler. Here is the image- ...
Can't install any programs on computer
Hello, Please help. I cannot download/install anything from mozilla firefox and my internet explorer doesn't work at all. When i try to download...
C programming
Hello, everyone good evenning my problem in c progg... can anyone lession me about ~,#,auto int Configuration: Linux / Safari 533.4
Mp5 program
Hello, my mp5 only shows " light up your life" and i haven't seen it even in the computer! how can i program it? thanks for sir! please he...
Auto start in vb exe file
SolvedHello, I want full details for how to activate auto start in vb. In this option passible for wincc, but I can't execute in vb. Pls help me
How to display 1*1 11*11 using c program?
Hello, i need answer urgent please help me
Hello, give me the coding of snake in c#.......pls &^ rply me soon......... Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Write a c program to draw a sphere
Hello, sir I require a program to above question please
Data base connectivity
Hello, how we crreate connection for windows application in c# Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Help- not able to send sms
Hello, I have Micromax Q3 with using BSNL & Airtel services. I am not able to sending SMS through BSNL. Kindly help in this regard.
Remotely access another computer using c#
SolvedHello, I have Created a form which could be displayed multiple Systems View in dynamically created Pictureboxes. now I have to access a system as r...
Get contacts to mysql database
Hello, I am in the process of transferring data and contacts onto a Mysql database. I have had some help and am trying to get a software solution...
Please help!
hey!! I am totally new to the .net framework...can anybody please tell me how to create a web application in visual studio 2008...also i want ...
How to move files based on first three chars
Hello, I would like to move files based on first three chars to related directory. Here is the example: AABC001.txt should go to .\A\A\B\ A...
Getting the week number automatically
SolvedHi,.. I need to get the week number automaticlly.. Lets say I enter the a date in Cell A2 then i want Cell B5 to show the respective week number. L...
How to connect c# with oracle
Solvedis it must to have a privilege access to the computer to connect c# and oracle?
Advantage and disadvantage using c++ in real
SolvedHello, hi plz tell me the advantage and disadvantage of using C++ in real time project. plssssssssssss rply me quickly.Configuration: Windows XP Fi...
Outlook issue with html form
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a small website with a very simple HTML form that allows user to send his data; then the webmaster receives an email with the data in...
Graphics program
Hello, my name is prasanna, while linking the program in c for graphics it is showing error as "Unable to open cos.obj" I tried this progr...
Data or cell distribution one-to-one
Hello Experts ! I am trying to create a list with one-to-one datasets as an attachement link(Data_Distribution) based on 2 input column. Is ther...
Run a macro when the date is changed..
Hello, I have a simple code to continue a serial number every time i reopen a workbook,.. heres the code.. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sh...