The discussions
Missing folder
Hello, I had some hidden files using folder hidden software..I unhide the files from my ext hardrive using the same software and removed my hardrive...
Folder lock of 7.7version and forgot password
Hello, I forgot password of folder lock of 7.7 version System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Advide 2.4 folder problem
ClosedSir I have locked my valuable document but when I am unlocking my folder the advide 2.40 is showing in unavailable folder there is option of restoring...
Folderlock 7.7.1 trial forgot password
Hello, i have locked my files in a trial version of folder lock 7.7.1 and unfortunately ihave forgotton my password. PLZ HELP ME TO RECOVER MY FIL...
Folder lock 7 is corrupted
SolvedHello guys, I’m using windows 10 64bit OS. I installed Folder lock 7 with version 7.2.2 I create a FLKA file then I stored my data on that ...
Forgot my folder lock password
Hello, I forget my folder lock password System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 58.0
How do i get started with the laptop clean
Folder defence password has been forgotten
I downloaded folder defence to protect my personal files For about 6 months i didn't use it Now i am unable to unlock the folder Is it possible ...
Winfolder lock pro v1.3 deleted by formatting folder still lock
I have sudden format to my pc (window 7) and by mistake my winfolder lock pro v 1.3 got deleted and my folder which is in another harddisk is still lo...
Rename folder lock
Hello, I want to know If I'm able to rename the folder lock process name ? so that no one can know that I'm using this software on my system ? ...
Easy file locker 2.2v password
Hello, Dear sir, I need Easy file locker 2.2v software password. please help me. let me do it. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 64.0.328...
Gilisoft file lock v6.7 can't access
Hello, Sir, I have install my Gilisoft File Lock in D_drive with a name "Satyam" & also keep my data in same folder. Now I'm not able to access the...
Forgot my easy file locker password
Hello, please give me solution how to reset my passsword System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Lost folder lock 7 password
Solved/ClosedI have forgotton the master password of folder lock 7 for windows 7 ... I have locked 1 folder in it, that contains my personal data . plz help me
Forgot folder lock password
Hello, i forgot my flka folder password how open System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 64.0.3282.140
Forgot my wise folder locker password
i forgot my wise folder locker password and i worried about how to recover my locked files, and by uninstalling it will my files recover back or it wi...
Forget folder lock password
Hello, I forget my folder lock password on my mobile how to recover. Please help me out. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.123
"disk drive security" software lock my pc drive not open
Hello, i install "Disk Drive Security" software in my PC that is trial version software for one month, at that time i lock one of my drive by that...
My mp5 player shut off and will not turn back on.
Hello, My mp5 player I got from wish i got yesterday for Christmas this year was playing a movie when it shut off and now will not start up it was on...
What is master password? how i uninstall easy file loker
Hello, Windows / Chrome 63.0.3239.84
Folder lock new upgrade for ios 11 not working
Hello, Program hangs up ( non-functional since upgrade on 11-29-2017. This is on iphone 6s System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Forgot my easy file locker password
Hello, I need to know what is the problem in my easy file locker am trying to open it but i cant although the password is correct it tells me INVALID...
File locker apps
Hello, I have some photo & video but it's locked by me...locked by file locker app..pasward forgot what is the solution System Configuration: A...
Password not working.
Hello, I can't remember my password can you tell me it please. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 60.0.3112.107
How to recover my easy file locker password
How to recover my easy file locker pasword
Folder is lock forget password
Thankyou for your reply ..i repeated all the steps you said but still the folder is locked? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Easy file locker forgot password
Hello, My easy file locker forgot password. Please solve Urgent.
Password lock out!
ClosedHow can I get past the password lock out and reset it on my Dell Inspirion 1720?
Folder unlock
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 57.0how to Folder unlock
File locked forgot password
Hello, how to unlock my data for file locker app?? I forgot my pasward
How to reset my mobile?
dear sir i used code 1234,4321,0000,1122,54321 but couldn't reset mobile plz suggest me (lava kkt uno+)
Lava star+
Hello, Sir how to heard restore lava star+ System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Dell vostro 3700 screen help
Hello, I replaced my Dell Vostro 3700 cover/screen/hinges. Before this the external monitor would work and I could navigate now nothing works after ...
How to unlock a folder?
Hello, sir i used verson 7.6.8 and forget pasware please tell me how to open it. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 61.0.3163.100
Winfolder lock can't process folders
Hello, Same problem here. Did you find any solution to it? if plz email me at ***@***
Forgot my password
Hello, i have forgot my password. how can i recover it or recover my files that are hidden. System Configuration: Windows / Opera Next 47.0.263...
Secure folders forgot password
Hello, I forget password of Secure folders app. By promo soft corporation. Plz help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.146
Forgot easy file locker password
Hello, i just forgot my password please help me for open it.thank you. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.3112.113
How to open my file from easy file locker
Hello, sir please give me some tips how to reset password/recover password please sir help me . System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.31...
How to legalize a win 10 illegal copy?
SolvedI am living in Southeast Asia and have recently bought a gaming PC for the operation of Microsoft Flightsimulator FSX. I gave instructions to the sh...
Lost folder password
Hello, i have applied locks on hidden folders unfortunately i forgot my password then i decided to uninstall FLK once i did due to that effect i l...
How to uninstall anvifolderlock
Hello, i got reset key but this key cannot use for this i mean say its fack please help for uninstall it System Configuration: Android...
Unlocking files from folder lock
Hello, I had installed Folder Lock to lock .txt documents. I have uninstalled it but I am still not able to open .txt files. and getting the below e...
Reset password or uninstall the app
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser to know my password or uninstall the app
Folder protect version 7.6.8 forgot password
Hello, I m using folder Protecr version 7.6.8 and i forgot my password and serial can i reset my password?
Why is bluesoleil asking for a passkey?
O.K, So I'm using a SWAGE headset from ROKITBOOST, and it works fine with my S2 Android, however, when I try to pair it with my computer, it doesn't s...
Forgot folder lock password samsung s3 mobile
Hello I have installed Folder lock version 1.6 in my samsung s3 mobile and I have keep there very important document and now I have forget my pa...
Forgot locker password
Hello, hi i had forgotten my locker password in folder lock i know the master password but i had forgotten the locker password and i have importan...
Auto select 1st icon.
What should I do if the first icon in my desktop is getting automatically selected? I have scanned my computer using Avg, Avast and avira antivirus bu...