The discussions
Forgot my advanced file lock password
hi i forgot my advanced file lock can i solve this problem?thanks
Forgot password protect usb
Hi, I have forgotten the password of my folder and now I'm unable to open my folder. Is there any way to bypass it? Used this software www.p...
Church management software
Am interested in developing a software for our church that will help us generate reports and other useful tools for decision making. How do I go about...
Forgot folder lock password
Hi... I installed folder lock 7 ..but unfortunately I forgotten my password..I need to unlock please help me how to get the password again.. ple...
Forgot password for computer
Hello, I had forgoten my both folder and master pasword plz help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Laptop shuts down and restarts when i use utorrent to download
Hi, My laptop is shutting down automatically after few minutes and restarting. That's only happens when I use utorrent to download TV Shows, no...
Not able to find folder lock in my computer
Hello, I have been created a big trouble. I installed folder lock and put the folder in which it was installed in a different folder, which i locked ...
Folder lock
Hello, i have downloaded folder lock and instal in my folder unfortunately with less knowledge i have locked the same folder in folder lock.n...
Folder lock not working
Hello, I hv installed folder lock in my PC before n deleted it n know I m trying to install n entering my key but the key is not working it says k...
I can't access my folder locked by free folder locker.
Hello, Sir/ Medam, I can't access my folder locked by free folder locker. I also can not see this in destination as well as in locker software. H...
Windows 10 manager - i forgot a password
Hello Everybody. I have a big problem. I set a password for few important files on my computer using Windows 10 Manager from Yamisoft and now I don't...
A lock on a folder on my usb
Hello, i have had put a lock on a folder on my usb and i forgot the password please help me unlock it on a mac System Configuration: Macintosh ...
File lock forgot my password
Hello, I am using file locker app I forgot my password so how to recover the data please tell me something...... Thank you System Configurati...
Folder vault forgot password
hi sir i am using folder vault but i forgot password plz help me
Pc name
Hi, How would I know pc name or ip add of other pc Tnx, Miko
Remote pc
Hello, How can I remote someones pc?
How to uninstall my folderlock
Hello, sir i forget my masterpassword of folder lock. i dnt have anything inside it .i simply want to uninstall that but when i do it show firstl...
How to unlock folder without pass in systools folder key
Hello, pls help me howto unlock folder without pass in SysTools Folder Key System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 53.0
Easy file locker password default password
plz provide default password
Computer upgrade
sir can you tell me how to upgrade windows 32bit to 64bitand from windows7 to windows 10
Anchor links
Hello, How to make Anchor links on this site?
Folder lock
Hello, I had folder lock on my phone. I had to reset my phone due to some problems, and lost all my data in the process. How can i regain my lost an...
Forgot my lockdir password
Hello, I forgot my lockdir password how can i back my files... Please answer me fast...
Pics recovery
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome2 44.0.2403.133 I have uninstalled my vault . How can i get all pics again?
Camtasia studio
I signed up to your site because you were supposedly offering Camtasia Studio 8 or 9, but I don't see any option for this. Why would you be offering i...
Songbook maintenance
Can I copy song that are in a MS word document into this application
Folder protector v5.39 password
Hello, program folder protector v5.39 can not remember the password that i use it to hint important folders and files i cant recovered it its cou...
Forgot folder lock 7.0 password
Hello, hi sir i am forget this password what can to open this folderlock 7.0 System Configuration: System Configuration: System Configuration: ...
I can't find my file winmend folder hidden
Hello, i am using winmed folder hiden softwere i cant find my file sudly they are not apeeried in this softerwer how can i find this file. Syst...
Write protected usb flash disk
Whow can I remove this write protection? I can not copy, write or even format.
How can i upload my software on
Please tell me how can I add my software on
Forgot master password of folder lock 7
Helllo, how to uninstall folder lock 7 if i have forgot the master password Configuration: Windows / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Password recovery
Hello, i have forgoten my folser pasward now please tell me what should i do to recover my pasward Configuration: Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome...
Forgot folder lock password
SolvedHello, I am using 7.6.3 folder lock in my PC from last two month but I did not use my pc from last 15 I forgot my password and also s...
Windows 7 - usb drive write protect - unable to remove
Hello, everyone. I am running windows 7 updated to most current. I have two separate usb drives which I attempted to use RUFUS with, to write an iso ...
Data error (cyclic redundancy check)
Hello, I am running into a bunch of errors while attempting to install microsoft 10 into my created pc. I am going to list everything I can to see if...
What is the version being downloaded?
Folder lock password recover
folder lock 7.6.3 version i am forget master password please recover my password
Forgot master password for folder lock(7.6.1) trial version
Hello, I installed folder lock 7.6 version some months before as a trial version. After that I didn't used that application. Today I opened it for U...
Locked my folder locker :p
Hello, mistakenly while i was locking folder , locked the same folder in which i installed that stupid app i know its foolish but now what ? i cant ...
Folder lock password reset
Hello, i installed folder lock and I have forgotten the password now i want to get back my files how could I get back my files or reset the password p...
Toshiba satellite l830-15j system software is missing
My computer will not load my windows 10'.as it telling me that the system soft wear is missing I have been to toshiba but can't find anything to help...
Winmend folder hidden shows error:111
Solvedplz,help me to get my loss data.i used winmend folder hidden to hidden my personal pc_os is pc have 2 hard disk there 1 hard is ...
What is lava arc mini puk code ?
Hello, Can any one tell me what is PUK code in LAVA Arc Mini ? Configuration: Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Forgot folder lock password
Hello, anyone help me.. i had download Folder Lock company: New i had locked my folder but now i forgot my master password...
Forgotten mobile password
ClosedHello, I using lava ax model mobile I set a mobile password but I forgot my password how to resolve this problem Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0....
ClosedHello, Mere mobile me phone password lag gya aur mobile kholane par passwordmangta hai kaise todenge Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 49.0
Smart hub
I just reset the smart hub on my Samsung tv and now when I try to open an app it is telling me smart hub is being updated and to try again later. It h...
Lock a folder recover passward
Hello, sir my computer windows xp I creat a folder lock but now I forgot pasword how to recovery how to open lock Configuration: Windows XP /...