Audio Pitch and Shift is a complete audio player designed for professional musicians. With it, you can change the pitch and speed of your soundtrack, as well as edit it.
What is Audio Pitch & Shift?
Audio Pitch & Shift is an audio solution designed to let you tweak the pitch and speed of your music tracks. It supports many audio file formats and comes with an intuitive interface.
Audio Pitch & Shift is currently discontinued. However, you can still download the file.
What are the key features of Audio Pitch & Shift?
- Possibility to change the speed and pitch of the music separately.
- BPM detection.
- Various tools: Distortion, Chorus, Flanger, Echo and Reverb FX (DirectX 8 required).
- Possibility to convert local or remote stream with selected speed, pitch and fx to MP3, WMA, WAV format.
- Various supported files extension: mp3, ogg, wav, mp2, mp1, aiff, m2a, mpa, m1a, mpg, mpeg, aif, mp3pro, bwf, mus, wma, wmv, aac, adts, mp4, m4a, m4b, mod, mo3, s3m, xm, it, mtm, umx, mdz, s3z, itz, xmz, cda, flac, wma, wmv, aac, adts, mp4, m4a, m4b, mpc, mpp, mp+.
- Internet radio streams support.

Is Audio Pitch & Shift free?
Yes, it is free to download.
Is Audio Pitch & Shift safe?
Yes, Audio Pitch & Shift is safe to use.
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