Failing external hard drive

Iwne Posts 2 Registration date Friday December 15, 2017 Status Member Last seen December 15, 2017 - Dec 15, 2017 at 04:56 AM
 Blocked Profile - Dec 18, 2017 at 08:47 AM
Hello all,

I'm kinda freaking out at the moment. I have a WD elements 1tb external hard drive and it was working fine until a couple of days ago. I was trying to get all of my photo's an video's off it to get back up and upload to cloud, So I start to transfer the files but it wasn't going at normal speed, so i cancelled restarted computer and all i got after I put in password was a flickering desktop... So restart again, good so far, when i open explorer to go to map everything turns black after a few seconds. I restart again without my WD connected and everything works fine. This is where i start to freak out. There is about 350 GB of very important data on it i can't lose. (My previous back up drive crashed a while ago and haven't had the time to make another one also because of the Nas we were going to buy) So I try connecting it to my laptop with succes and a lot of patience. Now trying to transfer single maps at a time it takes about 3 to 5 hours for around 250 mb. So i was looking for another solution and a friend came to help with a data recovery program which is now running but again very very slow (about 10% now from 261 mb and already busy for 40min).
I've also tried a repair off the drive and that failed due to snapshot error, did offline scan and repair but didn't help.
Is there anyone that can tell me something else to try, that can help me get the needed data off faster without losing it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Dec 15, 2017 at 05:34 AM

Are you able to take the hard drive out of the case it comes in?

Have you tried another USB cable?

Can you plug the HDD in to your computer motherboard?

the hard drive itself might be okay.
Iwne Posts 2 Registration date Friday December 15, 2017 Status Member Last seen December 15, 2017
Dec 15, 2017 at 05:40 AM
I can try to take it out of the case but haven't because i'm scared to break it and lose my data.
other usb cable ain't an option since it's specific for the drive i had to order a new with WD itself if i want another one.
Blocked Profile
Dec 18, 2017 at 08:47 AM
What is the model number? It's probably just a USB 3.0 data cable.