Deactivated Facebook- can’t change messenger picture?
Hey.. I deactivated my Facebook around a year ago, but kept messenger to stay in contact with friends. I am unable to change my profile picture on messenger though and can’t seem to find a way to do this. All the answers online say there’s a small pencil icon to change the picture, but this is only available IF you have an active Facebook account.
Is there a possible way to change my picture on messenger WITHOUT reactivating my Facebook account?
Is there a possible way to change my picture on messenger WITHOUT reactivating my Facebook account?
- How to change profile picture on messenger without facebook
- How to remove profile picture in messenger without facebook - Best answers
- Can you change your profile picture on messenger without facebook - Best answers
- Messenger audio downloader - Guide
- Why can't i change my profile picture on facebook ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Change instagram profile picture without posting - Guide
- How to switch accounts on messenger without password ✓ - Facebook Messenger Forum
- Www facebook com profile php id 100017858869382 ✓ - Facebook Forum
1 response
Registration date
Monday February 1, 2010
Last seen
February 15, 2023
Aug 3, 2019 at 10:11 AM
Aug 3, 2019 at 10:11 AM
Sorry there is no other way.
Sep 1, 2022 at 04:04 PM
Because Facebook SUX!