I cant reformat my toshiba satellite M40

wadd1991 - Jul 12, 2009 at 12:46 PM
 wadd1991 - Jul 12, 2009 at 12:52 PM
i cant reformat my toshiba satellite M40, it doesnt start windows or any program for that matter,,
when i set it to boot from disk and try to boot my windows xp disk i boot the disk and the message ' setup is configuring your hardware installation' flashes on the screen for 2 seconds and nothing happens after that, PLEASE help me?

2 responses

Hi, thanks for your reply,
it was originally windows XP and i was recently given to me,
i cant get in to view the partitions,
i think both partitions have been formatted in the past
thanks again
Blocked Profile
Jul 12, 2009 at 12:49 PM
Dear Sir,

If you had Windows Vista installed, and you wish to install Windows XP,

You will have to change the sata mode in the Bios settings,

Just set it to IDE or change the sata mode!

If this doesn't work, means there's a problem with your hard drive
