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- James computer is not booting properly - Windows Forum
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2 responses
I will advise you to format your computer and re-install a fresh windows,
This is because you changed the processor and the HAL changed too.. this made the system unstable
I will advise you to format your computer and re-install a fresh windows,
This is because you changed the processor and the HAL changed too.. this made the system unstable
Sorry should have mentioned earlier that the hard is completely empty no operating system. The reference to the bsod's is during install so i can't install anything. And i can only get that far if my computer decides to boot the cd instead of just hanging there, with the black screen and blinking white line. So reformat is out the picture. I've switched the hard drive out with a 20 gig one installed with Windows 98 and it will boot, like i said if the computer doesn't decide to hang but will only give me another bsod. So any other idea??