I cant open my emails on msn on my ps3
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4 responses
there is an easy way round this go to address entry in your browser and enter www.mobile.live.com/hm this will give a lite version of hotmail but at least you can read ur email and send them {possibly only text not sure you can make attachments}
if you use google and type in hotmail mobile it brings you to a more basic account but atleaast u can use it........... ps3 internet is f, long n playstation need 2srt it out lol! HOPE THIS SORTS YA OUT
HI There....
It will work just on 1 simple way....
1st you have to sign in...then you go to inbox...then you switch to TODAY on the left side of the screen,3rd from below...then click on change preferences...then hit or click the option directly to inbox and save...then you should be automaticly in the preferences option menu.... there you click on change theme and then (because it wont give you pictures on ps3)click on finish,break off,or end....the next site it gives you you will have the option below to klick the first 3 emails to open....otherwise there is no opportunity to open emails from hotmail on ps3....i hope I helped all of you ps3 users with this ....
May 14, 2011 at 03:18 PM
Jun 17, 2020 at 05:08 AM