Ps3 wireless connection problems

Cordova_chick6 - Nov 29, 2009 at 10:59 AM
 ryan - Mar 18, 2011 at 02:34 PM
Hello, PLEASE HELP! I just bought a 120GB PS3 the other day and I can't get it to connect to the internet. I have a Linksys WRT45G wireless router. everything else will go through just fine but it says failed to obtain IP address. I have no idea what this means, or how to fix it. I went online last night to try to get some info and it told me how to do the run>cmd>ipconfig and enter my IP address and all this junk. didn't work. I don't know if maybe I am entering the wrong IP address. (I went onto a website that tells you what your Ipaddress is and I used that, do I need to change a number or something?) I am just getting very frustrated with this and its starting to piss me off. I have my Laptop in my living room, same as my PS3, and it says I have 4 bars and signal strength is Very Good. I was able to get my Wii to hook up with no issues. (it is not plugged in at the moment)
please any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you!

1 response

i almost given up untill i look on the router security key and notice it was in capital letters so i enter it in the same way and everything was good to go after that.II hope this was helpfull

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