Fixing Your PS3 Network Connection

Rhino - Sep 2, 2008 at 07:45 PM
 Drdealy - Feb 17, 2019 at 11:07 PM
Check it out. If you r constantly getting connection interruptions during game-play then here is what u need to do. If u r using a router (no matter the brand), the problem probably has to do with the router. In order to find out, disconnect your PS from the router and plug it directly into you modem. If your modem is not near your playstation then move it close to the ps3. The modem plugs directly into your cable line so there is a good chance that the television you play your PS3 on has a cable connection. One you have connected your PS to your modem press the reset button on the modem. Turn your PS on and go directly to your network settings. Click on Internet Connection Test (do not bother trying to set up a connection manually, if you do this chances are you will mess something up). If you are getting a connection then you are ready to go. There is a good chance you may never get a connection interruption again. For the time being you will be able to enjoy playing call of duty like you once did. Now u might ask what am I supposed to do with my router? I need it for my laptop, xbox, etc? Just buy a new one. Chances are the one that you have is garbage. It might have worked great at once, but hey, these things happen. I suggest doing your research and find a router that works well with gaming. I hope this works. In summary, it is not your playstation or your internet service provider that is giving you problems... It is your router... connect your PS to your router to test this theory...

69 responses

It is suppost 2 work but the problem is that we have 3 laptops that are always runnuing on the internet so wat can I do witrhout disconnecting my sisters and my dad
not every1 can just hook it up my computer is kinda far away from where I keep my playstation so I dont just want to take my internet connection away from my computer and im not just gonna go buy another one coz the one I got is pretty good I need some nerdy interet bullcrap so I can improve my internet connection and still keep it wireless.
the problem is I been using ps3 network 4 months but witout any plugs my connection is on wireless and a couple weeks ago it was working fine but the next day I woke up I went to sign in and my ps3 told me check ur internet connections [settings] network settings so idid tryed to make another connection but it still wont let me sign in!!!!!!!!!! how do I fix my connection witout any ethernet cables
same to me
hey just wanted to let you guys know I solved mine and my buddys issue with easy solution! clear your main web browser on your home pc, punch in 192.168.o.1, should be at your motems menu lobby, then go to advanced settings, turn your wpnp on, save, then back out to lobby, enter the firewall settings, turn the firewall off, save!!!! thats it, thats all I had to do and now my connection is fantastic, never drops a game and matchmaker never fails!
When it says you game is not available and it will not let you connect leave the online lobby and go back to the main menu and try again and if it still doesn't work call up your friend and tell him to do the same, in most cases this should work.
well sorry but this answer seems kind of stupid because the reason I got a router in the first place is because theres no way I could get my ps3 close enough to the modem to connect with an ethernet cable manually
I have COD 4 and I can get on singleplayer fine but as soon as I click the multiplayer tab on the main menu, it brings right back to the ps3 home screen, plz help me
I always get booted out of games and get connection interrupted so a buddy said check my connction type, well unfortunatly its type 3. From what I read I think this means that I have a wireless connection but my Ps3 is hard wired with an ethernet cable to the socket in my wall. when trying to fix this I keep reading ways to fix ports on my router but im not using a router. how can I change the type 3 connection to something else without the use of a router????

thanks in advance
Jun 6, 2009 at 11:02 AM
i suggest installing winsockxpfix ... it instantly fixed all connection problems I was having.
Aug 20, 2009 at 05:02 PM
I did everything but it doesnt work. Is it because my ps3 is down stairs in the living room and my modem is upstairs?
Hi guys, I've been searching everywhere on the net trying to find a solution for this problem. Everytime I started my PS3, it tried to connect to the Playstation Network, however, this always ended in an error (timeout). When I connected to PSN manually, it worked. Unfortunately, when I was not using the connection, most of the times it was disconnected again... But now, I think I have solved it!!! My PS3 has always been connected through LAN in a home network with a NAS, on which a media server is installed. I always thought that I should enable the 'UPNP'-setting on my PS3 (in network-settings), and I also enabled it on my router (Linksys WRT54G).

I thought I'd give it a try to DISABLE these settings both on my PS3 and on the router, and now the problem is solved!! I hope this solution helps many other people, since it has troubled me for months and months! This does not mean that de media server connection is disabled, you should still be able to use the media server connection.

Good luck, cheers!
Guys you should try social news and networking sites when searching for that kind of information...
But how do u stop Laptops etc. from interfering with your wireless PS3 connection?
When I play Online, and someone is using a laptop in my house, it makes the game glitch and lag and slow.
HEY There

When I play pro evo soccer 2010 my connection speed is terrible and its the same with tiger woods
can anybody tell me how to sort this pls
pablosanchez, great detailed information for the linksys routers. Thanks very much.

My scenario was a little different than what the others were reporting, but nonetheless, the ports got me connected again.

Mind you I was just playing MW2 multiplayer just last night. Then when I tried tonight, nothing.
I would start the game then from MAIN MENU> MULITPLAYER> PLAY ONLINE> CONNECT TO PLAYSTATION NETWORK> Then at this point it would just hang with the message "Connecting to Matchmaking Server". I let it stay this way for 20 minutes or more. I then canceled and tried it again and got a similar message, except it also said something about updating rankings. So for those of you who have or had this problem, after entering the ports pablosanchez recommended, I shutdown the PS3, restarted the game and was able to connect fine.

FYI..... there was some confusion about formatting of the ports. For those with linksys follow pablosanchez's directions and put the ports as follows:
PS3 80 80 TCP .10 <check>
PS3 443 443 TCP .10 <check>
PS3 5223 5223 TCP .10 <check>
PS3 10070 10080 TCP .10 <check>
PS3 3478 3478 UDP .10 <check>
PS3 3479 3479 UDP .10 <check>
PS3 3658 3658 UDP .10 <check>
PS3 10070 10070 UDP .10 <check>
I have my PS3 setup on its own IP address and placed it on the DMZ within my wirelsss router (hardwired to my PS3). I'm getting a Type 2 connection and in COD4 MW2 I see NAT as being OPEN. I get into games fine with no issues, its just when I'm playing (say 5 minutes into the game), I freeze up, and my connection times out, and drops. I notice that all my lights on my cable modem are blacked out , then recovers as if it was reset, and I'm kicked out of PSN. I also did this going directly into my cable modem, and the same issues. This is very irritating. Any insight on this?
and what if I get the Nat thing when my modem is connected directly to my laptop? Help I am desperate:-(
Unbelievable! Only thing that worked.. thanks!
well you know when im in network connection setting and I type everything and after the password it says the connection has benn timed out.????/
why is the connection so slow then