External hard drive back to FAT32

ReyRey - Dec 28, 2009 at 05:18 PM
 ReyRey - Dec 28, 2009 at 11:25 PM
I have an external harddrive that I use mostly for my ps3 for data backup. It worked fine few days ago but when I went and formatted it by mistake it was formatted back to NTFS, ps3 can only read FAT32. Is there neways to get it back to FAT32 so I'm able to use it for data backup. I have windows vista on laptop when I searching pretty much all day yday I couldn't find neway to get the ex hd back to FAT32, if ne1 knws how to get it back to FAT32 it'll b very much appreciated or know a program that will work on vista to allow u to format the hard drive back to FAT32.

Thx in advance if u help

1 response

nevermind i got it back to FAT32, i used that FAT32formatter program that was posted in someone elses question that they posted

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