Toshiba L305 with Vista

shad - Mar 8, 2010 at 04:57 PM
 J - Jun 21, 2010 at 10:10 AM
My 'BACKSPACE' won't work so I highlight letters, then 'DEL' button.
Upon typing:
't' it automatically types 'gt'
'l' it automatically types '.36'
'i' it automatically types ',ki'
's' it automatically types 'sw2'
'w' it automatically types 'sw2' and on...........
Numbers are fine and show what I type.

I would appreciate any help........

I had to use my friend's computer to type these!!!

1 response

I know I'm late, but figured I'd answer.

Going to assume the keyboard was replaced or the computer was jarred pretty hard.

The keyboard connector on these is a little week, which is whats causing your problems. New motherboard or time to pull out the solder gun.