Call of duty 4 multiplayer

al - Oct 9, 2008 at 05:42 PM
 HiTMan - May 22, 2011 at 10:20 PM
I have call of duty 4 and singleplayer works great but my multiplayer wont. when I go on to multiplayer I can load in fine but when I go to join a server and click refrsh nothing happens it just says finding master server.I did the LAN internet connection and still no servers. Please help me.

21 responses

hi im having problem playing cod4:moder warfare. when I try to join on others game it says " ERROR: code key in use. try again later. " can some one help me pls. I want to play it badly. thank you T_T
ce.Valdor Posts 27 Registration date Tuesday March 16, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 7, 2010 1
May 10, 2010 at 05:18 AM
Sorry mate, if you bought your keycode it means someone has used a keycode generator and idealy stolen your keycode. I suggest asking for a refund or a replacement copy instead of having to buy a new one because someone is to cheap to buy one for themselves. If you have been playing online up till now sometimes this happens if your internet connection closes whilst online, to fix this simply restart your computer.