Modern Warfare 2 online cant find matchs why

Roryyy - Updated on Apr 28, 2020 at 03:47 AM
David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   - Apr 28, 2020 at 06:22 AM

I cant find match its been on for hours but still can't find a single match x
System Configuration: Windows Vista Internet Explorer 7.0

58 responses


It is to do with your NAT type. I had this problem and I found that my NAT type was on strict. If it is on strict, then your game will be very picky about which games it will find. When you are on the page which says find game, challenges, leaderboards etc, if you look down it will say something like Your NAT Type: Strict for most of you guys. To get around this, all I did and it may sound really basic is turn off my modem and turn it back on again, run the connection test on system settings and it worked fine. I got this off the xbox website so it is not rubbish and it really should work :)

Hope you guys found this helps

yes wrong I have nat set to open
Thank-you!! I have just done the above re changing NAT to open and its now ok to join games on line - nice-one!!
Works for me thanks!
Okay well I have done that several times and have played the NAT game before.. It just isn't letting me into any games...