PS3 resolution versus tv resolution

abelc Posts 1 Registration date Thursday October 23, 2008 Status Member Last seen October 24, 2008 - Oct 24, 2008 at 01:24 AM
 whichway2utopia's Fan - Jan 28, 2010 at 04:31 PM

I have a phillipps HD 52 inch monitor tv that is set somehow to 1080i. Works great with my PS3 1080 resolution games, great picture! However, some PS3 games like GRID which I just bought only supports 720 or 780 I think. When I try to play this game, the tv signal is jammed, wrong resolution I know. So I change the PS3 res to the 720 setting and it doesn't work. My tv supports all these resolutions, do I need to manually change the tv res to run with the PS3 new res setting? To me i think this should adjust automatically anytime you pop a game in?? I could try changing the tv's resolution to 720 but I dont know how to, nothing on the menu to lower the resolution. But why should I have to do all this leg work to play a game?? Is there a setting for the PS3 to auto adjust? Even if so it seems my tv is stuck on outputting the 1080i. I am confused on what to do. I have tried changing the PS3 res and nothing works. What is weird is that I have HD cable with mostly HD1080 res stations, and also some lower end channels that aren't fully 1080 but probably much lower resolution, the tv shows the picture fine on every channel as if it adjusts itself. I have another newer and much smaller tv that is 1080i and you can easily toggle the res with no prob, it works great on this tv, but isnt my primary game tv. This is what leads me to believe its the setting on the tv?? Please Help !

5 responses

hi guys ive had same problem wouldnt change on hmdi tv because didnt notice setting now ive put it on normal tv blank screen i held the power button but i hear no beep? when do you do this? and does the screen appear automatically when you do so?
i can hear the beeps but nothing happens
whichway2utopia > tttttt
Dec 5, 2009 at 05:34 AM
hey guys - i followed the thread and pushed the button until it beeped - but it didn't i tried it two more times...nothing again. Finally i decided to try with the DVD removed, and it worked like a charm. Lesson: hold to reset video settings with dvd drive EMPTY. This might help the others who had reset issues on their older TVs.
whichway2utopia's Fan > whichway2utopia
Jan 28, 2010 at 04:31 PM
whichway2utopia: Hey guys - i followed the thread and pushed the button until it beeped - but it didn't i tried it two more times...nothing again. Finally i decided to try with the DVD removed, and it worked like a charm. Lesson: hold to reset video settings with dvd drive EMPTY. This might help the others who had reset issues on their older TVs.

AFTER SEVERAL HOURS TRYING THAT SIMPLE THING SOLVED IT ALL!!!::D:D:D:D:D THANKS!!!!!! was seriousely considering to buy an adaptor to 10 bucks:D (and then i'd have to connect the sound another wau)
cheers mate thing was really winding me up trying to change it back to normal lol :D
i think to resolve the issue you need 2 go into you ps3,s SETTINGS DISPLAY SETTINGS VIDEO OUTPUT SETTINGS then select HDMI AUTOMATIC then SAVE this will make the ps3 choose the correct resolution settings itself automatically ,so that you dont have to search for them manually .I hope this has been useful in sorting you,r issue,i may have not xplained it very well but try it iam confident it will work.. let me know if iwas talkin hollocks lol all the best DOAKSTER
i took my ps3 off of hdmi to play it on a regular tv and i put the wrong settings which was s put and now it shows a blank screen how can i get it back to normal display
Just press and hold the power button until it beeps a second time.
That will reset the video settings.
happy-guy > t-nex
Apr 9, 2009 at 08:02 PM
tytytytytytytytytytytytytyty!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had the same problem, wouldnt go back but then u put that up and now it works on the old fashened stuff! w00000000000000t!
ps3man > t-nex
May 25, 2009 at 11:49 AM
thank god, iwas ready to take this thing back and get me a 360!
coffey3 > t-nex
Jul 25, 2009 at 03:06 PM
Thanks guy I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to play for at least 1 month due to me being at this school and they have an ol school tv......Thanks again, Jason
tnex or whateva your name is u r amazing i was about to crack it in half hahaha thank you sooo much.
what a crazy little glitch... thanks so much like these others I was hating on my 50 inch plasma after using my ps3 on another tv for awhile. You are awesome!!! Thanks for the help!!!