My computer won't recognize usb Devices

Snuggle PuffKing - Jun 28, 2010 at 12:25 AM
 Blocked Profile - Jun 28, 2010 at 01:05 AM
Hello, My computer won't recognize anything that i put in to the
USB drives, i have 3 USBs on my Sony VAIO only one of the gives my ipod power
and my new mouse wont work, my computer is quite new, so i do not know
what happened please can you help me?


1 response

Blocked Profile
Jun 28, 2010 at 01:05 AM

Check These Things :

1- Using programs Like Anti Hacks Or Virus Can Block Some USB Devices.
2-Disabling The rely Connection "Control Panel=> Connection" Can Make a Problem. and so many times i see some guys disable some connections and after that Their Programs not work.
3- your programs Devise usage. some programs use devices or disable them or use ports and make them busy. so the other programs can't work, check them and delete them or change their port usages.
4-after all , it can be a damage that your windows have got. i think if you reformat your windows it would be OK. (Certainly it would be OK)