Trouble picking up certain cafe WIFI's

Diane - Aug 3, 2010 at 04:38 AM
 Brown - Nov 7, 2010 at 11:05 AM

I have a new netbook ACER, bought it in the UK and now have it in Spain. when we go to our local WIFI cafe, it will not pick up there signal but picks up many others. Same happened when we tried a different CAFE that we normally take our other laptop too.
We took off the McAfee security and Norton as thought this could be the problem but still the same, any offers of help?
Thanks, Diane.


2 responses

Hi Did you find the answer to your problem as I have the same problem, would be interested to find out...Thanks
Their Different Cafe wifi Works But not all of them its only works when you see the high signal if its low its mean you can't connect to the internet !