Yahoo Messenger 9.0

JB - Dec 13, 2008 at 10:44 AM
 SUNNY2 - Jan 20, 2010 at 02:00 AM
I have a yahoo chat on my email and I want to download yahoo messenger 9.0 willl this chat replace with my other chat?, If so, when I no longer need yahoo messenger 9.0 is there a way to delete it? I also have another question, does it cost money to download yahoo msnger 9.0???? Also, If you download yahoo msger 9.0 will you only be able to chat with the people on your contacts. I dont like chat rooms so that is why I asked that question. Please help me with this thx!! =D

2 responses

just download yahoo messenger'll not lose you contact..just try it..
i want too download yahoo messenger now bcoz i like tthat i dont want tooo dowanload 10 version how to download that version i mean too say 9