No internet connection on ps3

steelerrick - Dec 28, 2008 at 04:18 PM
 $pe3dy - Dec 4, 2011 at 08:28 PM
I can't get internet connection on ps3. my laptop gets internet connection from same ethernet plug when I unplug ps3 and plug my laptop in at the same point. When I check connection test in network settings ist tells me it suceeded when obtaining ip adress but my internet connection fails. Please Help my son is killing me!!!!!!!!!

4 responses

if ur trying to plug ur ethernet cable into ur laptop and u use ur cable to connect t the internet it wont work try plugging the ethernet cable into ur modem then lights shoudl come up on ur modem and then should work
reset your modem take power sorse out plug back in that is it i have to do this every time i use my ps3
im having exactly the same problem

really agrivating, anyone who comes up with a solution is a legend
i have the same problem
i have dsl connection working properly on desktop
but not on lap tp
i m using windows xp service pack 2
modem is working all lights are stable
the isp site is shown and working but there is no browsing
i get a dns error everytime i try going online and my ip address always successes and my internet connection fails my router tells me that i have internet and even my desktop has internet please help me
i have exactly the same problem hellllppppp