I had my important data on USB hard drive, yesterday i plugged it into my computer to work, I could not see any folder inside it, where as when I checked the properties of USB it showed the 130 GB space occupied (total space of hard drive is: 150GB), and when I open the USB drive it has no folder into it, only few word and pdf files that make weight upto 2 GB only. I am really so very much worried I cant understand what has happened to USB. I scanned it also tried to show hidden folders but its not working...plz hep me
I had my important data on USB hard drive, yesterday i plugged it into my computer to work, I could not see any folder inside it, where as when I checked the properties of USB it showed the 130 GB space occupied (total space of hard drive is: 150GB), and when I open the USB drive it has no folder into it, only few word and pdf files that make weight upto 2 GB only. I am really so very much worried I cant understand what has happened to USB. I scanned it also tried to show hidden folders but its not working...plz hep me
- Usb show - Download - Backup and recovery
- Usb flash drive tester - Download - Backup and recovery
- Turn off usb connect sound - Guide
- Ps3 update usb - Guide
- Too many usb devices connected ps4 - Guide
1 response
Anonymous User
Sep 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM
Sep 30, 2011 at 10:31 AM
Unplug your USB
Install this
Plug your USB again and run the software
Now after removing infections
Click on "Start" --> In search box, type cmd and press "Enter".
"Command Prompt" will be opened.
Enter this command.
attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.
where g refers to your pen drive,insert whichever letter has been assigned
Now after running this command,check your pen drive
Install this
Plug your USB again and run the software
Now after removing infections
Click on "Start" --> In search box, type cmd and press "Enter".
"Command Prompt" will be opened.
Enter this command.
attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.
where g refers to your pen drive,insert whichever letter has been assigned
Now after running this command,check your pen drive