Pendrive (USB) virus

Banisaione Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday May 7, 2013 Status Member Last seen May 8, 2013 - May 7, 2013 at 01:19 PM
Banisaione Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday May 7, 2013 Status Member Last seen May 8, 2013 - May 8, 2013 at 04:55 AM
I have formatted my 32 GB flash drive several time to remove virus but it again appear in a second or two. Virus mane is 'ecc7c8c51c0850c1ec247c7fd3602f20.exe' It create the short cut of every file present on this usb drive. No antivirus or anti malware detect it, it is hidden. command prompt is also not solving the problem.
can anyone help me?

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2 responses

jack4rall Posts 6428 Registration date Sunday June 6, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen July 16, 2020
May 7, 2013 at 02:11 PM

Try this 1

There might be an autorun.inf file which is creating such an issue for you.

Follow all the steps given below

1) Disable the "Autoplay" feature. Click on the below link "Disable Autoplay",

and download the file --> Double-click on it and follow the instructions.

Disable Autoplay

2) Disable the "Autorun.inf". Click on the below link and follow the instructions.

First backup your registry. Click on Start --> Run --> Type regedt32 and press

Enter. "Registry Editor" will be opened.

Now backup your registry by going to "File --> Export" --> Save the file with

any name in your desired location.

Copy the text starting from "REGEDIT4" upto @="@SYS:DoesNotExist"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Autorun.inf]                  

Open a "Notepad" --> Paste it --> Save the file as fix.reg

Note: Don't forget the extension "reg"

Now double-click on the fix.reg file and then click on "Yes" to merge it,

[Note : After following the above instructions, whenever you place any autoplay

CD\DVD all you have to do is go to "My Computer" --> Open the CD\DVD drive

--> You have to double-click on the setup file.]

3) Click on the below link and download the file "AutorunExterminator"

Extract it --> Double-click on "AutorunExterminator".

This will remove the autorun.inf files from drives.

[Note : AutorunExterminator need Dot Net Framework. If its not installed in

your PC then click on the below hyperlink ".NET Framework" and download it

.NET Framework]

4) Click on the below link and download the file "USBFix".

Open the USBFix --> Click on "Deletion" and follow the onscreen instructions.

After completion of "Deletion" process, click on "Vaccinate".

5) Click on the below hyperlink "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free" and

download it.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free

Update it --> Perform "Full Scan".

Make sure you connect your pen drive also.

Good Luck
Banisaione Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday May 7, 2013 Status Member Last seen May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013 at 04:55 AM
Thanks for helping, one thing I got forgotten was, I use 'Windows 7 Pro'
Start is there but 'run' (for reg edit) not found.
However I managed and especially thanks for providing link for
that nice software 'UsbFix'.
