Windows script host error

mn - Updated on Nov 30, 2018 at 11:36 AM
 me - Jan 22, 2018 at 12:10 PM
Hello, I have huge malfunctioning of WINDOWS SCRIPT HOST ERROR. Every time I log on I get it as...."Google-" the status bar....i tried to delete the vbs file as suggested in one of the repair sytem ....however, it didn't work!!!

Please direct me as to what to do!

4 responses

Don't Worry,

Actually windows script host is created by microsoft for running any types of scripts in startup mode...
you can disable Windows Script Host; this will prevent users from running any scripts (including VBScript and JScript scripts) that rely on WSH.

To disable Windows Script Host, create one of the following two registry entries (REG_DWORD) and set the value to 0 (you need to create the entry, because it does not exist by default). To disable WSH for a particular user, create this entry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Enabled

Now...When enforced, the following message will be displayed any time a user attempts to run a WSH script:

Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details.

This message box appear even if the user attempts to start the script from a batch file or using a designated script host (for example, by typing cscript.exe c:\scripts\myscript.vbs at the command prompt).

Problem is solved!
U saved my ASS!! UR Great. It really worked. ThAnKs......
thank u