Speakers and headphones won't work

BassemKM Posts 2 Registration date Monday September 26, 2016 Status Member Last seen September 26, 2016 - Sep 26, 2016 at 05:40 PM
AlenCorlens Posts 1 Registration date Thursday January 12, 2017 Status Member Last seen January 12, 2017 - Jan 12, 2017 at 08:53 PM
i plugged in a sound jack from old mixer to my laptop to record a lecture , i don't know what happen , but Speakers and headphones won't work , headphone work fine by Bluetooth .

sorry for my bad english

by troubleshooting :

Playing Audio Publisher details 

Issues found
Generic Audio DriverGeneric Audio Driver Not fixed Not Fixed
Play Sound using generic Microsoft HD Audio driver Completed

Potential issues that were checked
Audio enhancements didn't loadAudio enhancements didn't load Issue not present
One or more audio service isn't runningOne or more audio service isn't running
Both the Windows Audio and the Windows Audio End Point Builder services must be running for audio to work correctly. Atleast one of these services isn't running. Issue not present
Audio services not respondingAudio services not responding Issue not present
Audio device is disabledAudio device is disabled
The audio device you selected is currently turned off in Windows. Issue not present
Low audio device volumeLow audio device volume
Audio device volume might be too low to hear. Issue not present
Audio device mutedAudio device muted
Audio can't play if the device is muted. Issue not present
Audio device isn't set as defaultAudio device isn't set as default
The default audio device is usually used to play or record sounds on your computer. Issue not present
Audio format not set to defaultAudio format not set to default Issue not present
The speaker, headset or headphone is unpluggedThe speaker, headset or headphone is unplugged
An audio device must be plugged in to play or record sound. Issue not present

Issues found Detection details

6 Generic Audio Driver Not fixed Not Fixed

Play Sound using generic Microsoft HD Audio driver Completed

Potential issues that were checked Detection details

Audio enhancements didn't load Issue not present

One or more audio service isn't running Issue not present

Both the Windows Audio and the Windows Audio End Point Builder services must be running for audio to work correctly. Atleast one of these services isn't running.

Audio services not responding Issue not present

6 Audio device is disabled Issue not present

The audio device you selected is currently turned off in Windows.
InformationalDevice state
State information about the audio device.
State: Enabled
Status code: 1
Help link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//aa363230(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

6 Low audio device volume Issue not present

Audio device volume might be too low to hear.
InformationalVolume level
Level of volume used for audio playback.
Volume: 100%

Audio device muted Issue not present

Audio can't play if the device is muted.

Audio device isn't set as default Issue not present

The default audio device is usually used to play or record sounds on your computer.

Audio format not set to default Issue not present

The speaker, headset or headphone is unplugged Issue not present

An audio device must be plugged in to play or record sound.

Detection details Expand

InformationalAudio endpoint
Type of audio device being diagnosed.
Endpoint: Speakers
Headset Earphone

InformationalInstalled audio devices
This file contains the details stored in the registry for all installed audio devices.
File Name: Registry log.reg

Collection information
Computer Name: BASSEM-PC
Windows Version: 10.0
Architecture: x64
Time: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:57:46 PM

Publisher details

2 responses

BassemKM Posts 2 Registration date Monday September 26, 2016 Status Member Last seen September 26, 2016
Sep 26, 2016 at 06:02 PM
by troubleshooting :

Playing Audio Publisher details

Issues found
Generic Audio DriverGeneric Audio Driver Not fixed Not Fixed
Play Sound using generic Microsoft HD Audio driver Completed

Potential issues that were checked
Audio enhancements didn't loadAudio enhancements didn't load Issue not present
One or more audio service isn't runningOne or more audio service isn't running
Both the Windows Audio and the Windows Audio End Point Builder services must be running for audio to work correctly. Atleast one of these services isn't running. Issue not present
Audio services not respondingAudio services not responding Issue not present
Audio device is disabledAudio device is disabled
The audio device you selected is currently turned off in Windows. Issue not present
Low audio device volumeLow audio device volume
Audio device volume might be too low to hear. Issue not present
Audio device mutedAudio device muted
Audio can't play if the device is muted. Issue not present
Audio device isn't set as defaultAudio device isn't set as default
The default audio device is usually used to play or record sounds on your computer. Issue not present
Audio format not set to defaultAudio format not set to default Issue not present
The speaker, headset or headphone is unpluggedThe speaker, headset or headphone is unplugged
An audio device must be plugged in to play or record sound. Issue not present

Issues found Detection details

6 Generic Audio Driver Not fixed Not Fixed

Play Sound using generic Microsoft HD Audio driver Completed

Potential issues that were checked Detection details

Audio enhancements didn't load Issue not present

One or more audio service isn't running Issue not present

Both the Windows Audio and the Windows Audio End Point Builder services must be running for audio to work correctly. Atleast one of these services isn't running.

Audio services not responding Issue not present

6 Audio device is disabled Issue not present

The audio device you selected is currently turned off in Windows.
InformationalDevice state
State information about the audio device.
State: Enabled
Status code: 1
Help link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//aa363230(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

6 Low audio device volume Issue not present

Audio device volume might be too low to hear.
InformationalVolume level
Level of volume used for audio playback.
Volume: 100%

Audio device muted Issue not present

Audio can't play if the device is muted.

Audio device isn't set as default Issue not present

The default audio device is usually used to play or record sounds on your computer.

Audio format not set to default Issue not present

The speaker, headset or headphone is unplugged Issue not present

An audio device must be plugged in to play or record sound.

Detection details Expand

InformationalAudio endpoint
Type of audio device being diagnosed.
Endpoint: Speakers
Headset Earphone

InformationalInstalled audio devices
This file contains the details stored in the registry for all installed audio devices.
File Name: Registry log.reg

Collection information
Computer Name: BASSEM-PC
Windows Version: 10.0
Architecture: x64
Time: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:57:46 PM

Publisher details
AlenCorlens Posts 1 Registration date Thursday January 12, 2017 Status Member Last seen January 12, 2017
Jan 12, 2017 at 08:53 PM
Wired headphones are ideal for people that spend most of their time listening to songs in front of the Computer or playing computer games.

Read more on this link : https://www.headphonesencyclopedia.com/