The discussions
My facebook account hacked
Hello, My facebook account hacked and changed my mobile number to recover password System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Can't used account
Hello, Hello, Sir Please Check my account My email ***@*** how to log in my account ??? please help System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 55....
Not getting the facebook confirmation mail.
Hello, plz someone help me out, I really need ur help.I am not getting the fb confirmation mail, I already checked the spam , junk each and every ...
Plz help me to reopen my old fb acc
Hello, My fb username Fieda Edi..i have lost my id password email that used by that acc..please help me solved this problem....plezzz System Co...
My friend facebook account was hacked
Please I need help to get a friend facebook account recovered. She was using the account until 3 months ago when it was hacked. the former name of the...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, when I log in my Facebook account after writing my username and password then, I find this message :- Unfortunately, you won't be able ...
How to delete a facebook message?
Hello, How delete FAC I'd message System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Facebook account disabled
hello sir, fm nov my fb account was disable ... so how long my account take to reactive i ssly missd my account pls help me out soon its a humb...
Facebook not opening
Hello, When i enter my id and code they say its not your account and Show other person Shan Ali.i was not added my number in my id.plz open my id ...
Facebook problem
ClosedHello, Dear sir i have given the all infarmation to fb but 5 month a go my id dose not open pls help me to log in my id thanks
Facebook account disabled
How I activate my fb id
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Plz help me
I don`t have access to my old number i can`t see code
Hello, I have changed my number and Facebook always sent a security check code on that number , now they are asking me for that code, but I don`t...
I want to open facebook account back
Please I want to open it back it's very important you can also call me on my phone for any information +97***********
My facebook account is disabled
please enable. my account
Someone reported my facebook account
Hello, please System Configuration: Windows / Opera Next 49.0.2725.64
Trying confirm my phone number
Hello, I tried to confirm my phone number but says it was used to confirm another account but this is my number how can I fix it so I can get into my ...
Cheating on facebook
Hi there, How can I hack somebody facebook?Or how to see what my gf chat and with whom at FB messenger, in short, if she is cheating me? Thank you
Facebook - disabled account
Hi! Is it possible to change that proxy using a mobile? My facebook account is disabled for no reason during my "blocking time". I have tried to...
Can't login to facebook
When I try to login to Facebook it is asking me to confirm my identity. It texts me a code to put in and when I enter the code nothing happens, after ...
How can i delete fake account
Hello, Sir someone has been created fake account with my photo as profile pic and changing the name I want to delete it permanently how can I do...
Now what should i do? how can i get back my account?
Hello, I understand,but what can I do in this situation and how can I use my Facebook account? If it is happen, I don't know how can I use my Face...
Why blocked my facebook account
why blocked my f.b acount
Facebook account was hacked
Hello, Good day my brother Facebook account was hacked ang someone use this accout ang post something that not nice... please can I report this... t...
Facebook terminated
Hello, My fb account was terminated and asked for documents and I’m ready to send but how I don’t know can you help me
Facebook is saying my account doesn't exist
Hello, I had forgotten my Facebook password and I had requested an email verification reset code be sent to me which never came. I requested the emai...
Reopen my facebook
Hello, I am sorry next time i care all friends please my id reopen i send dirty pic sorry next time i care please reopen my id System Configura...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, Can someone please help. My Facebook was hacked, using vulgar things in it, which I had not done, I even posted that it wasn't me doing it. Nex...
How to delete fake facebook id
Hello, Brother some body make same my name , same my photo put on Facebook but it fake id and send some bad video all my facebook contact list frns?...
Recover deleted facebook account
ClosedHello All, Is there anyway to get a deleted Facebook account back!? Please help me
Need to change phone number to be able to login
Need to change phone number to be able to login
How to recover a disabled facebook account?
Hello, my fb account was disabled 5 days ago., how can i recovervit? I wiuld like to asj help from you please my fb account was very important.
Disabled facebook
Hello, My facebook account disabled . When i submit my id . Facebook says this email address does not belog to a disabled account System Confi...
How to delete messages from facebook messenger?
Goggle says to identify the messsge to delete, press the menu button then delete. I cannot find the menu button
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, this is very bad to say what u people are doing... i submitted my id card my phone number..and also im not mis using my account but it bcom dis...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My facebook's account was blocked for almost 3 months since I submit my photo. When I try to log in it shown message that "Unfortunately, y...
Unable to access my disabled facebook account
Hello, Im jhon loyd camar viar my facebook was disable how my account to anable again
New account on facebook previous account has been disabled
Hello, What should I do to make a bew Facebook account coz my previous account was disabled by Facebook for no reason. I want to connect with my f...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Am Lucy wanjiru Kariuki..from Kenya..I feel so annoyed..I woke up yesterday only to find that my account has been disabled,why I hadn't even ...
Facebook tablet and a phone
Hello, How can I use m6 same email address when I have a tablet and a phone ? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Give me my facebook id
Hello, plz give me my facebook id plz System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My phone was hacked by one number on my phone number that started AROUND same time I got my phone September 1st is when i bought phone whom e...
Recover old account
Hello, What if u don't remember ur old email account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
ClosedHello, Plzzz sir help me plzz.i herash to after 3monts ... Thank you Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing...
My facebook is disable
Hello, Please help me to get back my disable facebook.. i need that because i have a online bussiness and i want all my family picture.. tnx... ...
Not receiving the code to reset password
Can you please help me? I can't login my facebook. I've change phone and when i'm want to login, then facebook asked me for a code. I click an option ...
Cannot login my facebook
Hello, I cannot login my Facebook System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Facebook harrassment !
Solved/ClosedHey. So last week i talked to this 20 year old guy on facebook and for no reason, he had access to all my photos and he’s telling me my dimples are cu...
I don't see my facebook profile picture
Hello, im Miller i cant get into my picture profile on facebook i dont see it any more it has old no picure i want my good one System Configura...
How to recover my facebook account?
Hello my account is disabled Why