The discussions
My personal facebook account disabled 30 days
Hello, Sir My Personal Facebook Account Faced 30 Days Warning Problem , Sir I Follow Facebook Community Guidelines, Sir I Upload My Real ID Card ,...
My facebook account disable in instagram visit plzz solution
Plz help My Facebook account disable
I'm 61 born 25/03/1960 i was just trying to remove my date
Hello I was born 25/03/1960 I'm 61 years old and you have disabled my face book
How to get back youtube channel
hiii hope you all are good and happy .my youtube channel ban due to copyright strike but on same gmail account i have another youtube channel but you...
We received your information if we still find that your account didn't follow ou
ClosedHello, Sir i cant login to my account plzz help We Received Your Information If we still find that your account didn't follow our Community St...
My account is locked unusual activity
Hello, facebook account is locked unusual activity
Otp problem
Hello, I need a help i don't receive OTP from facebook to forget my password i don't have email in ky facebook account only linked with mobile number...
My facebook account has been locked 26 november 2021
Hello, My facebook account has been locked 26 November 2021
My facebook email and number have been change from hacked
Hello, My facebook email have been change and my phone number,and can log in again
Please help me my account his locked ????
Please help me my account his locked ????????????
I cant loging my facebook
Hello, I cant loging my facebook
Please unlock my account facebook
Hello, Please unlock my account facebook
My facebook account has been locked
Hello, My real Facebook account unlock please
Why are not opne my fb account
Why are not opne my fb account
Am sorry from my heart
Hello, Am sorry for saying what I said that made Facebook community to Ban me for 40 days ,I just felt touched of the story because that's one of th...
Issue with shop and professional dashboard on instagram
Hello, Hi I have a business account on instagram that had been working fine. Then about a month ago when I was adding product to the shop I starte...
Facebook account got hacked deactivated my account
Hello, My account got hacked... It was connected with my phone number...hacker removed the number and connected it with his mail and changed my pass...
Sir code limit reached problem , 6 digit confirmation code n
Hello, Sir Code limit reached problem , 6 digit confirmation code Not Received On My Phone number . Sir please Solve My problem as soon As possible ...
Instagram comment section in chronological order help me
Since 2 months in my account the comment section of others posts are in cronological order, i tried everything like unistalling the app, deleting the ...
How to find otp in my mobile number
Hello, Dear facebook community Sir/Mam my name *** and this is my original id i am a social worker and i have put two step authentication in y ou...
How to unlock my account
Hello, my account is blocked just because i changed my date of birth, can you please help me to unlock my account
My facebook account has been locked to unusual activity
SolvedHello, My account locked please Unlocked my account please
Forgot my facebook password i cant log inn
Hellio, I forget my facebook password i cant log inn can u please sent it through email
My account was hacked and i don't know how to delete the messages
Hello, Recently I had some away time from social media and didn't go on Instagram, but during this time my account was hacked and a lot of message...
Login approval loop, little options
SolvedHello, Overnight I was suddenly hit with this "login attempt was blocked...please approve four correct comments you recognize...etc......
My personal account has locked plzz???????? my account unlock k
Hello, plzz my personal account unlock sir
Re open my fb block account
My self Krishna guru from India my fb account was block .....but I don't know how is it happen !!! I never cross the rules of fb communities... N neve...
Code received problem
Hello, Code not received
Can not log in to instagram because of authentication code
Hello, I lost my old phone and can not get access to the Authenticator app to generate a code. Also I don’t have the back up codes. I submitted a ...
My facebook account hacked
SolvedHello sir, My Facebook account has been hacked. When I try to login its showing me that the password is incorrect and its changed. Then I also trie...
Hii sir my acount disable please review my account
Hello, My Account disable
Facebook login approval issue
Hello, Facebook is asking me to approve my login on another phone or computer, but when I open Facebook on another device the same message shows, ...
How unlock my account
Hello,sir my account is locked Pleas help me
Facebook locked. please unlock
Hello, Unlock my Facebook account please.
My facebook account blocked please open my facebook account
Hello, My facebook account blocked please open the my facebook account
How to unblock my account
Hi Hello,
Why to locked my fb account?
Hello, fb account.
How to unlock my facebook account
Hello, My facebook id is lock how to open my facebook id
My account facebook block please unlock
Hello, My account Facebook block please unlock my Facebook account
Account hacked
Hello, Dear facebook team. my facebook has been hacked from some one/ i have been requesting you from a week. it is very important for me because ...
My account has been locked
My account has been locked
Facebook account locked
Hello, My fb account lock plz help me my facebook account to be open
Dilshad, you disagreed with the decision on 15 december 2021
Dilshad, you disagreed with the decision ON 15 DECEMBER 2021 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Check again here. Yo...
Confirm selfie videos not showing
Hi Hello, Confirm selfie videos not showing
My facebook account has been locked
Hello, My facebook account locked please sir get a code by Email and get a code on phone option show Hello sir, Your security system been...
Instagram keeps asking for a phone number verification
Guy, can anybody help? My Instagram keeps asking me for a phone number verification which I do not have. I do have an access to email, but Instagram d...
I logged in my facebook account from a diff
Hello, I can't login to my Facebook because it keeps telling me to approve login from my previous device, but my last device was stolen. It doesn't ...
Places sir unlock
Dear Facebook Team, My name is (***). I have been using Facebook for the last few years. A few days ago, my Facebook account was locked and I have no ...
My account is unlocked
Hello, Facebook team assalamu alaikum please open the account please ????
My profile name and id name has some changes hw to unlock ag
Hello, My profile name and id name has some changes hw to unblock my fb