The discussions
Appeal sent for disabled account and no response
My Facebook account was disabled some days ago for no reason. I have submitted my appeal and have been waiting for 14 days but still not even single ...
I submitted my appeal twice. please help
Hello, Hello, I sent it in appeal twice, no reply there's no phone I sent in my Military &Passport ID AND still no Reply. Can someone pleas...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello sir when open my db I'd show like this unfortunately we reviewing this additional documents we appreciate your passions sir this acco...
Facebook has been hacked
My facebook has been hacked. I never changed my pass word an it's stating i did saying ' invalid' all my family photos are on my account. Been a membe...
How to recover facebook account
Hello please help me to open an old this my fb
Start my id
Hello, Sir plz start my I'd
Facebook account disabled
Hello sir/mam, please can i get my account its very important to me mam/sir.. please help me
Why is my facebook account blocked for 30 days?
Hello, Why is my Facebook account blocked for 30 days? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 64.0.3282.168
Facebook will not open
Please help me
Can't access the activation code via email
Hello, can't receive the activation key, for 3months now System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Can't access facebook account
Hello,My facebook id open help Number 1 verfy friend photo rong step clohe 2 Mobaile number clousd 3 Email adrees closed plz my open accoun...
Mail account and number linked to fb are deleted.
as my gmail account and number to which my fb account is linked got deleted so now i cannot access my fb account please help if yu can System Configu...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My facebook account has been blocked I need to recover it back.I want to be able to recover my fb account back, Please I need help in parti...
How to recover my facebook account
Solved/ClosedHello, my account has been disabled,i wanna reactivate it.please tell me how to do it? System Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Unable to log into facebook
the program I am having wen I log in it says can't log in right now .this happened when the session was lost. I tried to open up a new account but aft...
Facebook lost admin privileges
Hello, SIR/MAM PLEASE HELP ME ,I submitted appeal they didnt responsed so how will do next step please help me System Configuration: W...
Recover my facebook account
Hello, sir my Facebook account z disabled I don't know what's going on.will it get back to normal please
Facebook account is disabled
My FB account was been disabled since last 1 week To whom I can ask help to enable again? Thanks a lot.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My Facebook Account Disable Without Any Reason Please I want Open Again Help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111
If i become a senator i will make a law about fb
Hello, u asked me to put my picture in ur fb and u will check my pic before opening it now ur not opening but instead u closed it why, why why why ...
Facebook account hacked
facebook id Haked
Help;!! 1st. time having this problem/issue!!!
My facebook account is disabled without any reason.
ClosedMy facebook account is disabled, i have submitted appeal forms but they aren't responding, what can I do to get my account back, I think they aren't r...
How can i open my facebook account
Hello, How can i open my Facebook account after review it System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook cannot login
Hello, When I wrote email and password there it is written you cannot login rightnow System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook account hacked
Some one hacked my facebook account and change my number and email address and I can no longer access it please I really need help now please
What to do if your facebook has been hacked?
Hello, What do i do if my facebook been hacked in i cant get back into it?they keep trying to send me a code but i dont have tht number i had set up...
Facebook id not opening
Hello, Sir my id is not opening. It shows only System Configuration: Android / Chrome You can't log in at the momentWe'll get in touch with yo...
Adding ios device on windows
Dear everyone , I would like to know how I can add an iphone device on windows
How to create a gmail account
I'd like to know how to create a Gmail account
Can't access facebook changed mobile phone
Hello, My fb is Ok now all I did was change cell phone and cell number and email address what's the issue please help System Configuration:...
Facebook account log in problems
Hello, sir ji unfortunately, I won't be able to access to my Facebook account this type is my fb account problem Sir help me for open my fb ...
How to retreive facebook password
Hello, I removed my email address and mobile number from my profile. Unfortunately I forgot my password too. Kindly suggest to retrieve passwo...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Good day how to disabled my fb access Please me my fb account is very important to me Thanks System Configuration: Android / Chr...
Forgot facebook password and i have lost my sim
Hello, I forgot my fb password and i have lost my sim card System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook account hacked
Hello, some one hack my account change my email can't get in my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account is disabled plz plz help me My account is back System Configuration: Android / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Facebook requesting verification code to login
pls I need help my account is requesting for verification code to login my account but I can't. the worst part I have lost that my number that I use ...
Facebook account disabled already sent an appeal
Solved/ClosedHello, Sir, my account is disabled please help me how to enable my account. Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Fake facebook account affecting my prestige
Hello, I want to inform you that someone has created a fake id using my name and pictures "
Facebook account blocked as security precaution
Good day. My account has been locked for the past 3days. No matter what , I dont seem to get back into facebook. Please help as I am running my bu...
Facebook login problem reviewing these additional documents
Solved/ClosedHello, when I sign in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately, you won't be able to access ...
Disabled my facebook account
Hello, I just wanted to ask or know why my Facebook account by the name of verolyn simon was disabled coz i have to get my mum's contrats please. It...
My facebook id is blocked
Hello, Sir My facebook id is block
Facebook needs to confirm identity
Hello, Please help me . I logged last 2 days ago on desktop then ask me for security code. I sent already the code then it ask me to send pictures t...
Facebook account not opening
Plz open radhul ER
How to enable my facebook account
ClosedHello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0.2661.89 how to enable my facebook account
Enabled my facebook account
Hello, Sir Please enabled my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111
Enable my facebook account
Hello Sir start my I'd plz
Identity not confirmed facebook
Hello, System Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 64.0.3282.112 hello Someone May Have Logged Into Your Account In order to keep your informat...