The discussions
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello I need help my fb account was blocked by FB reason : Name Verification and by mistacks I uploaded myself picture on fb and 2nd day i was t...
Facebook can't login at the moment
ClosedHello, i have received my facebook notification on my gmail but when I Login Into my Facebook then Says You can't login at the moment Please T...
Facebook account blocked as security precaution
Hy I m unable to open my account when I try to open it's asking verification and I have sent my photo and after that they are telling me that I can't ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is France quirky Harley.. My face book is disabled how can I help plz System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.121
Lost my account
Hello, Plz. My acc has stopped like forever and I don't know why or even a reason .. plz I want it back resend me on email plz System Configur...
Your security system has mistakenly removed my acc
Hello, sir your security system has mistakenly removed my account without any reason. i can prove it. I'm sending my pic to verify that I'm the rea...
Identity not confirmed
Hello, plz open my fb I have more business System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0identity not confirmed
How do i block someone from my facebook account
how do i block someone from my facebook account?
Close all tabs in google chrome for android 2018
How do I close all tabs in Chrome App for android on 16th of February, 2018 ???
Facebook account is disabled
Hello, My fb id is disable...kind some review...but fb didnt back to me...when i starred my id nd password...but my id fully full new
« my fb id not working properly and telling me get
Hello, My id is not secure « My fb id not working properly and telling me get starting and confirme your account what should I do plz help » ...
Can't create a facebook account
I need help PLEASE.....I had to have my facebook account terminated, so I did....a week or so later I tried creating a new account, it asks me to upl...
Facebook account disabled
My account is disabed and I may need your help to get back
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we...
Facebook account hacked
hello sir my facebook account has been hack id name is gabber back i dont know the email andd password plzz helpe me
How to delete hacked facebook account
SolvedHello, I am having problems with my account was hacked a few days ago and has been trouble since then. I just want to delete my old account and st...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plz sir least chance me proof my I'd send your company Delete all account but my main account plz not disabled sir request sir System Con...
Unable to confirm my identity on facebook
ClosedHello, I really need help! For weeks now I can´t access my facebook account. After redefining my password they blocked my account, and to unlock it sa...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My facebook is disabled and I did nothing wrong help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 45.0.2454.95
Forgot my facebook password
Hello, My fb account is not opened because I forgot my password and the number is not available at the moment System Configuration: Android ...
Can't access facebook
Hello, sir when i open my ide it shows like this. We'll get in touch with you shortly after we've reviewed it. You'll now be logged out of Facebook...
Forgot my facebook password
andriod System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How can i recover my Facebook account? I was block from Facebook for violation of Facebook laws. How can i get my account back? It's really...
Facebook account disabled
i have been using fb since last my account opened and I tried to open me inbox....suddenly I got sign out....when I signd in again...
Facebook account recovery
Hello, sir/madam i could not long in to my facebook account anymore. they saif that they will review my photo and told to wait.they logged me out fro...
Facebook account is in japanese now
Solved/ClosedHi. I accidentally changed the language on Facebook from English to Japanese. I don't understand what symbols are used for the word language so I can ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name ravi my facebook accout is disables which resion of disabled i neet help to recover my account
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, Sir My Facebook account was disabled for the past three day now please reopen my account System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Unable to confirm my facebook account
Hello, i’ve confirmed With FB via my friends , getting specific acces codes from them once they identified me. Still doesn’t work. If taken the pictu...
Unable to access my facebook account
i am not able to log in my fb account
Lost my facebook account
Hello, hi my lost fb System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
How to change facebook language
Hello, Want my Facebook in English System Configuration: iPad / Safari 11.0
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
my id is not open until last month Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appre...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, m Julius fernandes my account has been disabled from Saturday for no reason plz help me to get it back coz I have got some important things in ...
Facebook account locked
Hello, Pls my old account address halo
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Can u plz tell me how much time they take for recovering fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
Why you disable my personal account
ClosedHello, Why you disable my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 59.0.3071.125
How to recover my facebook account
Hello, Plz give me solution System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89
Forgot facebook email and password
Hello, I lose my email and password plz recovery my account
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, When I sing in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately ,you won,t be able to acces...
Recover one year old deleted emails
SolvedUnfortunately i deleted my mail one year ago it is very important msg from medical council of india please help me how i get??
Deactivate my hacked account
Hello, deactive my hacked account System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 604.1
Facebook says unfortunately can't access account
whenever I try to log in my facebook account it says unfortunately u won't have access to log in your account. What can I do now to get back my accoun...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my account first shows disabled by my mistake, thereafter shows don't match how to review and recover my account. This account **********...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, unfortunatly you wont able to access your account while we are reveiwing these additional document we appreciate your patience and we will ...
I want to reopen my facebook account
Hello, Please I want to reopen my fb account