The discussions
Itel 1.3mp of fore and back camera
Dear friends, i have memorycard of storage capacity about 8GBs. but it is affected by invisible virus. now it is storing and allow play of items of 24...
Unblock my account
Sur unblock my account Thanks
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 52.0 how to solve this problem Thank You Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your acc...
Need to update my whatsapp version
Hello, System Configuration: Tizen / SamsungBrowser 1.1verify my email pliz
Temporary locked
Hello, My account was temporary locked .. me so worry who i can able to open it... System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 4.0
Facebook account disabled
Hello, name Ankit Tiwari , my fb account it's disablad with no reason out of on where last night, i really need it back ASAP pls pls help me how to...
Sm recorder cant find it on my computer
where is my download. it said I downloaded sm recorder, but I cant find it on my computer
How to access my disabled facebook account?
Hi i m aliba i cant log in my fb. I opend it night and in morning i cant log in..they says that temporart desable...plz help me... I need my id back ...
Videos download in youtube
ClosedHai, there I've to let to know how to download the videos on youtube without using site or no other site. Because of I'm using a low-end ...
Lost my yahoo email and my facebook passoword
Hello, I lost my yahoo emil and my face book passowrd what can i do ? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84 Why my account is disabled i need to help me anyone ....i dont know why my account...
Facebook asking me to verify my account by providing my id
Hello, i need help please It is almost 4 days that facebook asking me to verify my account by providing my name and id. I have tried many times but...
My password has been changed
Hello, Some how someone has changed my password and i didn't do it. So my question is how do i get my Facebook account back? System Configuratio...
How long is the wait for facebook account reactivation
Hello, sir so many times submitted appeal n also sent my id proof ...but no further process , pls,do asap,my fb account reactivre.... i did everyt...
I can't access facebook
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84pls I need your help. I can't access Facebook account anymore, I don't have my old e...
Recover my page again
Hello facebook team .... I hope you will be good I have a problem with my page on facebook, I can't use it again or find it , so i need your help...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, What happened my facebook account.I'm seeing this massage when I login my facebook account. Please! Help me for this problem. Unfortunat...
Facebook why i can't login
I want to know about my fb account why I can't log onto it
My facebook account has been disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome account has been lock.plz unlick my account
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my Facebook account has been disable for security reason, when I tries to log in it replies_;thanks for sending your photos,we'll got in to...
Tokopedia for shopping
i have downloaded tokopedi android app from i dont it is official site or what , i have downloaded, but i got a problem, i want a product in my count...
Personal facebook are missing
Hello, My personal face book are missing plz support me
Account has hacked
Hello, Sir someone has hacked my account.and the email address that i have entered in that ,i don't remember ,sir how can i back to my account or de...
Facebook account delete
Hello, i fergot my emial and password so i wanted to delete my facebook account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, when I log in my Facebook account after writing my username and password then, I find this message :- Unfortunately, you won't be able to...
Facebook account disabled
Pls my Facebook account has been disabled and I need it I have upload my id up to 3times but it still the same pls help me ******@GM...
My account got disabled
Hello, My personal Facebook account was disabled 15days ago.Someone reported me for pretending him.Now my Facebook account got disabled for pretendi...
How to open my orkut account
Hello, I have save lots of memories in Orkut how can I get that System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Help in changing email address
Hello, I have a facebook account under ***@*** I have since retired and no longer have access to that email. I could still get in so there seemed to...
Someone use fake account
Hello, Hello, sir somebody had made my fake facebook id and upload some photos, that was my fake id . Sir I want to delet my fake id please help m...
Not responding fb
Please login my fb account it's not responding.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Please help me to open my disabled account of fb. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Won't open
Hello, I log in my facebook but it does not load at all it won't open my profile why??? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook recover
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser plz my account recover
Facebook home page won't load
Solved/ClosedI've seen other messags like mine, but I haven't been able to solve this problem... I have a desktop Emachines computer, and I'm using Windows XP. ...
Thank you unfortunately, you won't be able to access your accou
Hello, Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89
Cant login facebook
I am not sure how to reset my password when i can login from my phone .. meaning its always logged n , but since i forgot the password to my account i...
Facebook account disabled for security precaution
Hello, We'll get in touch with you shortly after we've reviewed it. You'll now be logged out of Facebook as a security precaution. System Confi...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Y may account is disabled System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.132
Firefox quantum really faster than the chrome?
Is Firefox Quantum really decrease ram usage and runs faster than the Google Chrome? Or these are just rumors?
I can't have access to my marketplace
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hi sir our madim iam sakhimarjan danish Iam long time use my facbook accont now this accont disbled plose now my this accont Thanx facboo...
Cant log in - profile nor business pages
I wonder if someone could please assist me. It’s been a few days that I can’t access my Facebook account. I travel quiet a lot due to business. At...
Why is my account locked
Hello, I can't know why my account locked. I am ask you why my account lock ? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir, My Facebook account is disabled so please sir open my Facebook account thanks System Configuration: Android / Chrome
Facebook account disabled
Please my facebook has been disabled since two weeks now.pls hlp reopen my facebook account.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Pls my facebook as been disable and I want u to open my account back now..
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account is lock. Plzz slove be a my account. Name sima barua. Why lock my new account ? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3...
Please help open my account
Please help me open may account
My facebook account has been blocked
my Facebook account has been blocked for no reason