The discussions
Facebook security check problem
Hello, My facebook block seens last yesterday i can't open still they Show me many options but i follow all but still i can't open can you verify ...
Any fix yet to facebook never sending yahoo a code
Hello, Anyone got an answer for this? Your CCM articles and all don't work. Yes it's the original email I used to set up the account. No I was nev...
Accounts are not growing
I have 5 Instagram accounts in different categories, I post every day on every account at the same time. using 30 relevant hashtags. its been a mon...
Security check
To confirm your identity, we will text a confirmation code to your phone. Dear Facebook Support Team, The security code comes but there is no optio...
Sorry for everything post please retrun my id plesae????????????
Hello, Hello sir i am really sorry for that post please retrun my personal id????????
Hello dear facebook team my facebook account has been locked
Solved/ClosedHello, hello dear Facebook team my Facebook account has been locked and not getting unlock because its showing confIrm your identity so i request to F...
My facebook account has been locked
Hello, sir My Facebook Account has been locked It's my personal account It's very important account give me my account
Jåçķ, you disagreed with the decision on march 31, 2022 it
Jåçķ, you disagreed with the decision ON MARCH 31, 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Check back here. Your...
Sir my official facebook account is temporarily locked.sir i
Hello, Sir My Official Facebook Account is Temporarily locked.Sir I Can't Login into My Facebook Account,Sir I Used My Facebook Account From Last ...
I know idea
Hello, My Facebook was disabled without any reason, sir i don’t post any illegal activists on my personal Facebook account, sir i follow Facebook...
How do i change a base location on instagram?
Hello, I lived in a country that didn't have reels until the end of last year, and now I live in a country with access to reels, and I would like ...
Your post goes against our community standards on child sexu
Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation please open my facebook account Recover my facebook acco...
My facebook account hacked and hacker changed my mobile number and password.
Hello, My facebook account hacked and Hacker changed my password and mobile to recover by email id
This account will be disabled in 1 day to make sure that you
Hello, oppo f19s
My account has been disabled
Hello sir I'm real user of this account. Your security system by mistake Disabled my Personal facebook account and You have disabled my account due to...
My facebook account has been locked i want to unlock this a
My facebook account has been locked I want to unlock this account. But showing only conform identity option and not showing other options please help ...
You disagreed with the decision facebook facebook you disag
Hello, You disagreed with the decision facebook Facebook you disagreed with the decision - Best answers You disagreed with the decision - Best a...
My account has been locked
Hello, hello dear team my facebook account has been locked it has problem regarding confirm your identity i have nothing to confirm myself please ...
Blocked list shuffled instagram
Hello, I have a blocked list on Instagram and am aware it usually goes by order of how you blocked the people but it seems the order is now differen...
Please back my account
sir, I'm asking for your help, I hope you can get my account back because I can't open my account anymore and I hope you can find a way, thank you ..
Why my instagram got stucked?
I was using my instagram and suddenly it got stucked. I can't open anyone's feed, I can't post anything.
Facebook is reviewing your information
Hello, Ashish, you disagreed with the decision ON 21 MARCH 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is n...
Unlock my facebook account
Hello, Pls i request u pls unlock my account...
Your account has been locked
Hello, Facebook team Please solved my problem by mistake your security system locked my real account Please unlock my account sir i don't do any...
My facebook account disgreed with dision problem,
Hello, Sir my Facebook account suspended, disagreed with desion problem, please slove my problem. Thank you
Your post goes against our community standards on child sexu
Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation No one else can see your post. We don't allow content that se...
Not receiving confirmation code instagram
Hello, I can't locate and open my Instagram account Like that showing type confirmation code, but I not get confirmation
Instagram not sending verification code
For the past week I haven't been able to login to instagram bcs I got logged out after installing a program on my computer that has now been removed. ...
Fb login approval
Hello, I do have a problem login into FB as it is asking me following "We noticed a login from a browser, device or location you don't usually u...
My personal account was disable
Hello, JamalAhmed - Oct 10, 2018 at 05:36 PM Ambucias - Oct 11, 2018 at 06:16 PM Hello sir.. I am tarh lokam..when my account disable then Faceboo...
I lost my phone number
Hello , I lost my phone number
Facebook security check - did not input otp code
I am facing issue about Facebook security check. I received OTP code but there is no option to input OTP code. Facebook telling "could not send confir...
Facebook hacked, id verified but error sending login code
Hello, My account was hacked into and then FB temporarily disabled my account. I submitted by ID to FB and they were able to verify my identify b...
My facebook account is in security check
Hello, Dear Facebook Team My Facebook Account Is In Security Check Preventing Login Issue From 2012 To Till Now I Trying To Login My Account Daily...
Please block my past ig account
Hello! I need support from you! Please block my past instagram account because i was hacked and i cant do anything with that. I need to block this ac...
Help need help to unlock my facebook system
hello what to know how to unlock my facebook
Reset password
Hello, I have forgotten my account password, and when I would be forwarding button " get help logging in" there is nothing like "send an sms" button...
My instagram says : help us confirm that you own this accoun
Hello, So basically my Instagram asks me for confirmation that I own this account. I can log in with Facebook and with an email link but I can't g...
Hello sir/mam my account is disagreed with the decision. and
Hello sir/mam my account is disagreed with the decision. and i uploaded my real photo or id card picture and screenshot but don't recover my account. ...
Cant login my facebook account
Hello sir My facebook account has been temporary locked. Sir i cant login my facebook account Sir please fixed my problems
My facebook account please ???? unlock
Hello, Hariom
Dear sir madam. (locked facebook)
Hello, Dear sir Madam. (Locked Facebook account by mistake) I am using my official Facebook account from Last 2 Year's,Sir my identity is not co...
We received the information you submitted if we find that yo
Hello, We Received the Information You Submitted If we find that your account still doesn't meet our Community Standards, it will remain closed. ...
Hello sir : my facebook account can't access because disable
Hello, Sir my Facebook account can't access
Hello sir
Hello, My facebook account has been suspended by mistake by you. Thare are no posts against you community in my facebook account. You can review in ...
Hello facebook
Hello, Facebook team my account has been locked for my mistake so I am really sorry please open my facebook account Thanks
Mera fb ka id delete hoga hai ffmax mera id hai log nahi hog
Hello, Account disabled Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
Sir my facebook account is suspended.i submit my suspended f
Hello, sir my facebook account disagree with the decision problem solve