The discussions
Forget my password
Hello, 9986515696 Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Dell,network controller not working,what i do?
Hello, network controller not workingor have problem,what i do? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 8.0
Please help recover my yahoo account
My email account is deleted by I have tried many times since last year to recover it . I forgot my alternative email and my secret...
Cannot connect to the website
Hello, why Cannot connect to the website
Adobe flash player
how to re instal the adobe flash player
How update ie 7
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0 how to update IE 7
My laptop is error in downloading
Hello, my leptop is error dwonloading,piease tell me any solution Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 43.0.2357.81
Changed password
Hello, My ex changed my passwords to my recovery yahoo email and to my fb someone please help me recover them for free. Configuration: iPhone ...
Account has been hacked
my facebook account has been hacked with changed email original was ***@*** but now ***@*** so please help me
Recover my face book account. amezhi ozurumba
Hello, pls I need my face book account black Amezhi ozurumba is my name Configuration: Windows Vista / Chrome 43.0.2357.65
Log in approval issues
Hello, Sir my cell number Lost and not recieve approvol code please solve problems my Facebook not login my mail I'd ***@***. Configuration: S...
Hello, my facebook account was hacked Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Forgotten password in telephone mobile google chrome account
Hello,i forgot my password in googlechrome account using my mobile phone, i need it to be opened so my phone will be unlocked
About to shoot the computer black screen with cursor only
Hello, Win 7 64bit - Black screen, mouse cursor only, even in safe mode, ran malwarebytes, Vipre Rescue, etc, nothing, clean. I can ctrl, alt, del...
Show me the password
Hello, plz help me to show my password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook i can't open it or share or comment
Hello, I approciated your kindness but I want know what happened to my page on face book I can't open it or share or comment and other problems I th...
Being interested
i am intersted to be a member of this forum. how install google chrome now
My internet keeps cutting out
Hello, I've been having this problem with my internet recently that I can't seem to solve, and is frustrating me so much. Would love some help. ...
Fake fb id
sir my name is naila and some one make fake fb id on fb by using my picture please delet the account of that person,that person ever put my picture on...
Problem with youtube download
Hello, I have never downloaded any video with my phone blackbelly 9900. What could be the problem?
Hello, Sd card password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook logging out problem
Hello there I have problem in logging out my Facebook account thanks -- Sent from CCM Live forum for iPhone/iPad
Error message
what does the following error message mean, is it the internet connection or a manufacturing defect with my ...
To sync
HIi i got firefox on my laptop and now also on my android,but when i punch my code in on android it says its wrong but its do i sync my andro...
Can't log into my fb i'd
Hello I have many problems because i can't log into my fb I'd. My I'd have no email, only have a mobile number. I give my passward but can not log in...
My account password
I forgot my Google account and I lost the back up phone.How I can reset the password ang I can back my account.
I cant open my fb account
Hello, I m Priyanka goswami my problem is that I can't open my fb account because I have forgotten my password and I could not get confirmation code b...
Live tv app
Hello, Sir I want to make android app for free n see if it work or not how to do plz help.
Link redirectiong to help
sir, when i click a link i had been diverting to a page called and some other sites. i have already formatted my system and try insta...
Fake facebook account
Hello, someone created fake fb account using my name and photos.. he is misusing my can deactivate that account? please help me Confi...
Facebook in danger
Hi guys. I am as guilty as it gets. So I did something stupid. I found a girl on an online dating site and she asked my skype. Long story short we end...
Page hacked
Hello, hi my facebook page was hacked.. i added some admin in my page. but i tursted not now.. my page is removed in my page.. i cannot access my pa...
I am unable to log into my facebook account
Hi, when i'm giving my id and password i'm getting the below message: Your Computer Needs to Be Cleaned It looks like your computer is being af...
Browers not loading but i got internet access
Hello, am tried of fixing my brower,my brower is nt working i mean both google chorme n firefox but my skype is working find...i had try many way stil...
Help with picking up free wifi on apple ipad air 2
I have an iPad. I am camping in a remote site but it does provide free wifi. The wifi only reaches a limited area around the clubhouse. I have the use...
Hello, where can i find settings of whatsapp Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Plz help me to recover my fb account
Hello, My facebook account has been blocked I need to recover it back I have been asking for recognition of some tagged pictures which I can't recogn...
Connecting pc with router via cable
Hi, I have bought a new TP-LINK router and configure it properly. But problem is, I can not connect it with the PC, which don't have any WiFi. ...
It cant connect to the internet after reset
I laptop went back to its original state when bought and now incant connect to the internet
All browsers rendering badly, images and downloads corrupted...
SolvedI cant access many sites(tried mozilla,crome,ie) and if loaded images in that page is rendering badly... My downloads get interrupted after it begins...
Email confirmation code on my facebook account
Hello, My name is peri I just want email confirmation code on my Facebook account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 42.0.2311.111
Hacked in my account
Hello, my Facebook account was hacked into yesterday on profile it said pffft 5000 mates. And all the sunned I realised someone come fb account and a...
How can i dawnload whatsapp my samsung star 2 gt s5263
How can I dawnload whatsdpp my samsung star 2 gt s5263 ?
Facebook not open
SolvedHello, my facebook is not open so plz tell me what to do Configuration: Windows / Chrome 42.0.2311.152
Internet explorer icon issue
Hello, I am using a Lenovo G580: 2689 and all my apps downloads saved as internet explorer shortcut icons and I cannot install them. Thanking you ...
My facebook id is not working
Hello,Sir My facebook account is not working ,so My id and password is correct but he is not working ,why??? Sir plz help me Configuration: W...
Google voice search
Solvedwhen I try to do a voice search on google chrome nothing happens I get talk now come up then listening and then nothing happens I am running windows 8...
Hello, Hey I don't exactly know what a confirmation code is can u tell me Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0