The discussions
Forgot my password also recovery email and phone no
I forgot my password also recovery email and phone no. What can I do
Problem with gmail
ClosedHello, I forget my user and pass on gmail.What should i do?by the way my cellphone is locked by gmail and and i couldn't enter on phone. Help me...
Cannot access gmai i lost security information
Hello, I cannot login to my gmai i lost secuity information Please help me as fast as possible Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Even after answering security questions i am locked out of yahoo
ClosedHello, Locked out of yahoo mail Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0
Lost yahoo email account login details
Hello, My yahoo mail account I forget details of login and I change my mobile number also so now I have so can please send me new password My id ...
My gmail password
Hello, Gmail group plz send my password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Disabled gmail account
Hello Sir, Please enable to the gmail account is Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.3
Need verification code to my one of my account
I want my verification code one of my account i want to send that code in my new number or else send my another to get that code i known my pe...
Recover my yahoo mail account
Hello, i want to recover my yahoo account but i dont have my old mobile number that number was i use for my account so i need to that accoun...
Can't get into my yahoo.mail. forgot password.
Hello, I am having a problem with my yahoo. mail. I have tried to get a code from you all as I have forgotten my password. When i get the text to my ...
Forgot password secret question and no alternate email
Hello, I forgot password secret question and no alternate email. how to access my yahoo mail Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.79
Password retrieving
Hello, Good day!!! just want to ask how can i retrieve my password on my account but unfortunately the number i set to it has already been dam...
Forgot my yahoo password, and changed phone number
Hello, Plz help me access my account... Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Hello, How can i get email has been erase from june 2016 Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0
I can't get in to my account
Hello, My name is stefanee and I can't get in to my yahoo account can u please help me email at ***@*** thank u I do not remember anything but my em...
Facebook account issue with my yahoo mail.
Please how can I retrieve my account I know my mail and password and still telling me b the wrong password
Resetting password for gmail account without recovery mobile num
How do i reseet password for an account without using the recovery email address as it cannot be accessesd to receive cemailonfirmation email of pass...
I lost my mobile number
Hii,, I lost my MBL plz change my MBL I need ur help plzz
I know my email id and password. but i lost my phone number.
Hello, I lost my recovery phone number and now I'm not able access my gmail. I know my email Id and password. How I can access my gmail now? i have ...
Can't access my yahoo account
My name is charles Alexander and I have an Account with but I can not get in my account. And my phone number has been changed. My new num...
Yahoo mail log in
Hi all my name is amanda i use to use a password but now i use an account key now i guess from loggin out so much i cant log in how can i regain acces...
Have id and password, but don't have old phone number to verify
Hello, I have my ID and password. It's been long time i have opened my account. now while trying to login it's asking to verify the account with t...
I have forgotten the password
Hello, i need help Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, sir i have forgot my yahoo acount password ....... i am try many way to acess my account but not success , when i recover my id its show...
Gmail password recovery
Hello, gmail password recovery Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Problem in loggin in no acces to my old phone number
i have no acces to my old phone number which creats problem log into my yahoo account... plz gave me solution
Forgot gmail password
I forgot my password. Please sync my gmail
Forget gmail passwod
Sir Gmail password forget me
Recover gmail password
I forgot my pasword and I canot login to my gmail account.. I remember my gmail user name by not the password.. how can I recover!?
Open the old g mail id
Hello, Plz open my old gmail id..its very arrgent Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
New telephone number
Hello, I have a new mobile nr. how can a change that.
I forget my password and security questions
Hello, i forget my password and i dont known my security question answer so please tell what i do Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 53.0.2785...
Change my gmail password
Hello, I forget my gamil password , so how i can change my gmail password.. Plzz help me fast its soo urgent..
Dont receive any mail to my account
i dont receive any mail to my account why ??
Changed my phone number got new phone can't login to my yahoo
How to log in to yahoo want to send me a code because I'm logging in from new device but I changed my number and I can't get in at all no other option...
Yahoo email account recovery
Hello, good day i need your help because my account is i cant open someonr change my pasword Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
How to recover draft deleted data
Hello, Dear sir, how to recover draft deleted data pls find the solution Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 25....
Password forgotten
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could help me retrieve my password to my yahoomail. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.76
I don't know my gmail password
I don't know my Gmail password. How I will be known my Gmail password?
Forgot my password changed mobile number
Hello, Forgot my password and changed my phone number Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Sir i have lost my gmail password and mobile no also and alternate email address also so plz help me .my alternate email address is ***@***
I don't know my gmail password
I don't no my pass word
Is this a type of chat room?
Is this a type of chat room?
Gmail password forgot
Hello, i forgot gmail password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.121
Lost yahoo email address
Hello, I've lost my email adress due to not knowing my password and changing my phone number, can you lost email adress is my new phone numbe...
I lost my gmail password and secret question but know gmail i'd
Hello, Want back my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Permanent deleteted email recovery
Hello, Please assist urgently. I need to recover emails from 2012 till now Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Forgotten password/phone number not same
I forgot my password to email account and the number I saved is no longer mine. Is there ain't other way to get a new password?
I forgot my gmail and my password
Hello, i don't know my gmail and password so so i can i do to get back my gmail and password again plz help me to bring it back my gmail Confi...