The discussions
Lost yahoo paswwrd
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Chrome 54.0.2840.59 I have losy my yahoo paswwrd and mobile number please help how to recovery yahoo mail
Lost my password for gmail and cant remember my questions
Hello, I have gotten a new phone and lost my gmail password and can't remember my questions plz help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.8...
Changing the password
Hello, How do I change a gmail password, thanks sphokazi Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Email password
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Safari Indeterminable I'm lost my email I'd password & phone no.
Gmail forgot password mobile mumber has changed
Solved/ClosedHello, MY NEW MOB NUMBER IS Deleted Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 46.0.2490.80
I don't know my account details... how i can open my accout
Hello, I want my account back... Please help me... I don't know details of my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Forgot my username and password on my old facebook
Hello, I need help I don't remember my password nor username or recovery email account nor do I remember my cell phone number I used and I don't h...
Can't access my yahoo mail
Hello, Would you please recover my email. My email address and my password is correct but i don't know how I fail to log in. While I tried to reco...
Can't access our yahoo email from my mobile phone
Hello, Everything was fine until yesterday morning. Now I can't access our yahoo email acct. from my Samsung 5 phone. Wow...this is maddening ...
Gmail account recovery
Hello, question i dont remember my last password i used for my email but its still log into my old phone the lg k7 but i broke it when it fell from th...
Password help
Hello my name is jacob fry I just had to buy a new phone and I have two emails one is ***@*** witch I can log into and my other email witch I had made...
I forgot my password how can i recovered it
Hello, I forget my password hiw can I recover it
Gmail account hacked
hello....please google i want you to help me ... my accounts gmail someone know my password and changed it .. i cannot open the gmail now..... please...
Recover my yahoo mail
Hello, Good morning pls help me my yahoo was hack by other person icannot open couz my password is change him already ...plz help me to get my yahoo...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, First get my sallam.... My gmail account was hacked how can. I get it.. Please help me to return my gmail.. The gamil is =***@*** Last pas...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.93 Please help me someone has hack my account. And change recovery phone number
Firefox refusing to open outlook
Hello, My problem is that Firefox won't open Outlook, the error message I get is this: We can't get that information right now. Please try agai...
Problem in password
SolvedHello, Hellow sir mam i forgot my yahoo password not even the security questions and evrything please i need ur help urgent because i need to open m...
Signing into my yahoo
I can't get into my account that I haven't been on for along time. I changed my password and trying to get on but it's saying it's unverified. I don't...
I can't open my yahoo mail through yahoo!messenger on my laptop.
Hello, Why can't I open my Yahoo Mail using Yahoo!Messenger on my laptop? The dialogue box says I entered a wrong password. But when I hit "Get a ne...
Forgot my secret question
Hello, Hi I forgot my secret question Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Cant get yahoo email on cell anymore
Hello, I was on my laptop last night and something popped up that asked if I wanted to block other users from seeing my account. I said yes. Now m...
Forget my gmail id
Hello, Pls help me my tab was locked Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 44.0.2403.133
Yahoo mail new sign in location
Hello, I recently changed my phone and phone number. Now yahoo is asking me to verify my sign in because I'm using a new location/device. I cannot a...
I need to assess this email address
How comes when I use my email ***@*** it's saying that this email is not recognized and this email is what I use for Facebook
Update information
Hello, forgot password, has my old phone number not the present number how to update phone number Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.5) / Chrome 5...
Forgot yahoo mail password, secret question and alternate email
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password alternate email cell no and secret question so how can i sign in to my yahoo account.please help me in this its ...
My account yahoo is hacked
Hello, my account yahoo is the hacked . for some time i have not access to my email . one person has full access to my email . my email the ...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, My gmail passourd Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forgot my password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Recover gmail password
Hello, How ocan recover my gmail password some body changed my gmail passwora Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot gmail password
Hello, plz help me
Gmail account hacked
Hello; Please help me for my gmail account my gmail account hacked by unknown person
How do a get in my email with out my password
Hello, How do a recover my yahoo email when a have lost the phone number and lost my email password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.9...
Unable to download yahoomail attachments
SolvedHello, Sir Since last two days I am NOT able to download attached files from yahoomail. Iam using Chrome, internet explorer and mozila browsers ...
Forgot yahoo mail password and recovery email
Hello, my yahoo mail id removed by password "removed by moderator". but this password not work. recover email id i don't know...
Hi my gmail account is been hacked
Hello, my gmail has been hacked... and my recovery option for my gmail has been changed too.. what should i do sir Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Google account enable
Hello, Hello Google please help me my Google account enable Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
How to change gmail password
Hello, Hello, Gmail I have exhausted myself trying to remember my password I've done everything I can I do not remember the 3 passwords that I do ...
Forget gmail password and i have lost my mobile no
ClosedHello, Hello, I forget my gmail password And I lost my recovery mobile no also. How can I reset my gmail account again plz help me as soon as ...
Gmail account got hacked
Hello, Someone hack my account Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
I can't access my gmail account (***@***)
Hello, Hello Sir/Mom Good morning to you, hope you could help me with the following problem i facing. i had change my ***@*** password 2 day's ...
Recover gmail account
Hello, Sir/medal My gmail id password I am forgetet please send any password send me please Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Phone can't get into my count
Hello, my name is lillie thomas and i can't get into my count Configuration: Windows / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Request to change mobile number
Hello, Sir/madam My name Mohammed Monir My yahoo account Id is . ***@*** I have a problem with my yahoo login id. Due to my mobile number has...
Forget yahoo password
Hello, I have forget my yahoo mail passsword and unable to reset I can't read security as I am bt able to access my mails. Please let me know h...
My gmail password is no remember
Hello, goodmorning Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Gmail account recovery
I cant get anny assistance from google for my old password,for my gmail old email is ***@*** .can you be of some assistance ph nu...
Reset gmail password
Hello, please reset my password i set up another dont remember the password. new acct is ***@*** every time i try to recover it with pa...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, i forgot my password and i cant access the mobile phone number used how willyou helpme Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 49.0