The discussions
Forgot my yahoo password lost phone
Hello, Dear sir/madam I forgot my yahoo password and I've lose my phone with my sim card which i puted in my yahoo account how can i recover my ya...
Password missing
Hello my gmail old password not open .old password removed by moderator.plz solved this problem. my contact namber- removed by moderator Configur...
How to recovery yahoo mail
Hello, I forgot my password on my yahoo mail (***@***) I want to change my cellphone nos. because of The cellphone number is new, was placed on t...
Reset password and change mobile nomber
Hello, Please help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0
Recovery password
Sir I remember my yahoo Id but forget it,s password, I tried on yahoo help log in but can't access my password . Please tell me some other method to...
Forgot my password & security questions
Hello, dear before I create my email long time I used this email also Facebook account and I do rest my Facebook account by sms so many times now I tr...
Hello, I am trying to accesa my account i remember my password but i can't verify myself because i dont uae the backup email addresses or that phone...
Forgot yahoo password
i forgot my yahoo password even the security question and alternate email. what would I do to recover my password. Please help me. Badly needed. My ya...
Forgot my yahoo mail security questions answers
Hi, I forgot my yahoo mail security questions answers please help me thank you please help me
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number
Hello, Daer sir i lost my mobile number,how can i sign in my yahoo id,i also forget my password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How to recover yahoo mail account
Hello, Could not access to my yahoo account even though i know my password i also know my phone number but i cannot get verification code because ...
Home for sale
how can I post a printed document for the site
Account recovery, lost phone
I've lost my phone but know my password. yahoo mail seems to want to send me a text and it seems impossible without that phone to get into my a/c. Can...
Gmail recovery password
Hello Its been a while since i used my password is correct, i still know it, but when i try to login, its wants a recovery email addres...
Yahoo mail forgot password and changed phone number
Hello, I have forget my pasword and phone number plz would you help me to change number Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Forgot password and having trouble of security question
Hello, Please help me to get and recover my old yahoo email coz i forgot my password and having a trouble of the security question Configuratio...
Can't sign my yahoo because yahoo account key active
Hello, Please help me accessing my yahoo mail account. I can't sign my yahoo because Yahoo Account Key Active, and I don't have access to my number...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Please ,i would like to retrieved my password in my account for yahoo Removed by
Cant longer access my yahoo account
Hello, i want to open or recovery my yahoo mail.. ***@*** .. because i forgot my password and my yahoo i.d . i cant no longer access my number because...
Login my gmail account without phone number pls help me
Hello, how can I login my gmail account without phone number?
I forgot everything in yahoo account
Hello, i forgot everything in my yahoo account even the password the recovery email and the recovery number because i have new phone number i want it ...
Log in to my yahoo account using facebook or gmail
Closedcan i log in to my yahoo account using facebook or gmail
Reset my gmail password
Hello, please reset my gmail passward Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Forgot gmail password
Hello, i forget my gmail passward pls halp me , my gmail id ***@*** pls send me , my mobile no my mobil no is removed by moderator& gmail mail id **...
Gmail forgot password
SolvedHello, Hi I forgot my security question and my password please help Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari
Help me pls .. verify my facebook acoount
Hello, my yahoo mail longyrs not open but i need comfirm my facebook account in yshoo... Mu yahoomail box unable how to active. Or open the mail box....
Backup emails from trash
Hello, I accidentally deleted my all email from inbox and I need them back I need the procedure to get them back. Configuration: Windows / Chr...
Retrieving erased emails from trash folder
I accidently erased some emails from my trash folder , I think it's from my Gmail account. But I also have yahoo,outlook and AOL. Can u help me ,I jus...
Erased trash emails
Hello, I accidently erased my emails from my trashouse today and need them back don't remember which email account it was. Configuration: iPhon...
Recovery yahoo password
Can u help me to. Reset my yahoo mail password
Recover gmail account!
Hello, Please help me access my gmail account! Have forgotten gmail password and recovery email please get back asap!!!!!
Gmail account has been disabled
Hello, My gmail account has been disabled i want my account to enable how to get back. Please help even i cant sign in.
Someone in russia hacked my yahoo account
Someone in Russia hacked my yahoo account and I need help getting it back I know my email and password but it won't let me verify it because I forgot ...
Yahoo mail forget password
Hello, Sir I forget my password Please help
Forget yahoo mail password
Hello, I forgot my password in my account pls help me how to recover it Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
Cant log in my acct.
Hello, Pls. Help me i cant log in my acct. Because my simcard has lost so i cant recieve a code for 2 step verification code what will i do? Co...
Forgot password
Hi, I forgot my my password for my yahoo email account. Every time I put in in my phone number to access my account another name appears with my same ...
Recover a password when they don't know your email
How do you recover a password when they don't know your email
Gmail recover deleted pictures
Hello, i had deleted a photo 3 years back...but that photo is very important to there any possibility of getting my photo back Configur...
Gmail can not find deleted/ trashed email
I have deleted and trashed a very important email that I received July 7 2016 between 11am and 1:15pm. I have tried several times to retrieve it and c...
Cannot access yahoo mail account
Hello, I changed country and cannot access my yahoo mail account, my mobile number has been asked but this has been deactivated already due to cha...
Passward reset
I have forgotten my yahoo password, security questions answers and alternate email. Kindly guide me how I recover tha password. Thanks
My account has beeen disabled and i need it back
Hello, my account has been disabled and I need it back ive had it over two years I lost my contacts and everything is there any how someone can help...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Forgot password
Gmail password recovery lost mobile phone
Hi sir, I self Vijay Kumar lost mobile phone & mistake gmail password. Please I requested reset my recovered gmail password Thanks
Lost emails in folders
I had run out of space to send more photos, etc to my gmail account so I deleted all trash, junk and "ALL MAIL" then emptied the trash folder. I was...
Forget passord
Hello, hello send my google passord in this number9804133655 Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari Indeterminable
Yahoo requesting for security question
Hello, Hi, I tried to log into my yahoo and it's requesting for my security question which I can't remember. Please how do I go about it? Confi...
I can't get into my hotmail account
Hello, I keep sending a summit form to recover my account and it keeps telling me it's not enough information to get back in to my account Conf...
Need help to login to my yahoo mail
Hello, can not login to my yahoo mail and i have forgot one of answers to one of my security questions Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.270...