The discussions
Hello, I am having an issue with a password on a computer. The computer has an initial password but no one knows the password. Is there any way to ...
I lost my hot mail password
Hello, this is my email address, but I have lost my password, can anybody help me please, i forgot the answer to my secret answe...
Password forgotten need to answer secret ??
Hello, I have tried signing into my hotmail. I have already gone through the steps of resetting my password but I can't seem to get into the section ...
I forgot my password
Hello, I have a problem with my computer Administrator account that I forgot my login password to my account and the administrator account too. Is ...
Word 2007 won't let me print on legal size pa
Hello, We just got this new computer with vista and word 2007 last year and this is the first time I've tried to do this. But, I can't print my Chri...
Cant open scanned doc in ms word for editing
Hello, I'm having a serous problem. For some work I've scanned document. It needed some rectifications, but I cannot open it in Ms Word f...
My administrators password
Hello,please assist me to get to my administrators account using the guest account my admin password no longer works and am not sure why also if possi...
Remove password
Hello, hi i am dastagir from ahmedabad. i have 1 problem pc in opereting system window xp sp2. i this os 1 user creat but i have missing use...
All my passwords cant be remembered
hello, im facing a rare problem those days my firefox wont anymore remember my password though I am sure that I have put the right one and it wont ...
Fuzzy photos in word 2002
I've fought off-and-on forever when inserting photos into Word and Powerpoint 2002 (I haven't had the same problems with other versions). For some rea...
How to move specic words to another excel
Hello, I need help pretty bad. Want to edit a excel sheet, look for specific words like in a row first "Uptime Report for:" and second "System ...
Microsoft word
Hello, I have Microsoft Office installed on my PC but need Microsoft Word. Would you by any chance be able to tell me if there is a free download...
Forgot my password
Hello, my name is alice, I'm trying to sign-in but I have forgot my password,. Could you please help me?
Word attachment won't open
Hello, I have 2003 word, MS XP. I use a Yahoo as my default search eng. and just this week, all my email attachments will not open and I get an error...
Word doc problem
Hello, I did not update to Windows service pack two. and now today I had to get a computer guy out for e-mail reasons. He updated my window to servic...
Reading my word docs?
SolvedHi there! I have to admit I'm a real newbie and I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid... I just got Window Vista and install it on my...
Asking for password
Hello, In my computer it is now asking me for a password which I have never put im the only person using it how can that be? And how can I make t...
Problem with word 2007
Hello, I have actually a Microsoft office 2007 on my machine and whenever I send a document by email to a friend he cannot read the mail it says that ...
Power point 2007 - wordart error
Hello, I installed MS Office Standard 2007 in my pc but the 'WordArt' feature in power point is empty. I already try to reinstall again twice and i...
What happened to microsoft word?
Hello, Whenever I attempt to open a microsoft word document, I get the message that the function can't be performed because a dialog box is open. Th...
Unable to access some drives through msword
Hello, I have the following drives in my computer : c;d;e;f;g;h All these drives are fully accessible and work when clicked through explorer. Ho...
Admin password required
ClosedHello, yesterday my brother put a password on the admin account and now when im trying to install something on my account it is telling me to log...
Administrator password
hello i am wondering with my administrator user password if i can use another user ??
Admin password
Hello, so the problem is that i tried to repair my windows and its asking me for the administrator password can anyone tell me how to repair the wi...
Admin password
ClosedHello, loss admin priviledges. kept on asking me my login password and keychain. but everytime i will put my password it says that it was my wrong ...
Admin password problem
ClosedHello, loss admin priviledges. kept on asking me my login password and login name. but everytime i will put my password it says that it was my wron...
Hello, what shall i do to change the language to French in word?
Word 2007
Hello, I have just install word 2007 on my pc cracked and patched it as well...but the problem is that i can't use it properly i can't copy or paste ...