The discussions
Can't remember my password
Hello, I am using gmail. but I can't rememeber my password to my yahoo account. ***@*** Configuration: Windows / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Changed phone number
Hello, My email id is ***@***ly I change my phone number and I forgot my previous phone number. Know my id is not access. My current phone number i...
Yahoo mail can't remember the alternate email
Hello, My daughter's phone was stolen 2 weeks ago and she lost everything. she's trying to access her Yahoo mail but I can't remember the alterna...
Help with password recovery
Hello Customer Care, I can’t reset the password to my account. Every time I tried it [yahoo] referred me to an alternate EMAIL address however that a...
I need a password sent to my phone number associated with email
Hello, I got a new phone and can't remember my password. Also, I can't remember my password to my recovery email. Is it possible to have a temp passwo...
Forgotten password
Hello, i have forgot my passwrd. my e mail id is ***@***. can you help me for recovery Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Delted yahoo account and forgotten passwd.
Hello, I had yahoo account, accidentally i deleted the account and also i have forgotten the password. Is there a way to recover the deleted ac...
Account password
Hello, I'm having issues getting into my account. I've tried login in but I can't. Can you guide me into changing my password. Thank you Config...
Locked out of my account
Hello, I've been locked out of my account Trying to get into my Netflix saying my pass word Wrong , now saying my e mail address wrong to so help p...
How to recover yahoo mail if mobile number is changed?
Hello, Hi my name is Kuldeep Singh I just ask u I forgot my yahoo password I will recover my yahoo. Account but thing is before my mobile number ...
Yahoo mail password and security answer
Hello, I forgot my password and security questions what should I do? Please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
Facbook account block
Hello, GanDa MunDa Plz tell me how to solve thiz... In order to keep your information secure, we've locked your account. Before we can unlock it,...
Forgot password and old phone number not working
Hello, Please assist me on my problem with signing my yahoo mail. I forgot my password and the same time the registered mobile number there is ...
Help me reactivate an account i unactivated
Hello, i cancelled my yahoo account ***@*** and I want to reactivate it you can contact me at ***@*** Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Recover yahoo mail password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0 I forget my pasword and security questions
Forget yahoo mail password and alternate email
Hello, plz reset my yahoo mail password and alternate email Configuration: Windows / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Yahoo mail change mobile number
Solved/ClosedHello, I am using Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 mobile, and want to change mobile no in yahoo mail account as this number is no longer active, please...
Forget password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95 I forget my password & also I'm not use the previous no I'm using new no ,can I have my ...
Code never received
Hello, my sister never received a code for her account she have traveled to another country and she cannot access her account since she is asked...
Security question on yahoomail
Hello, please i forgot the answer of my security question and am unable to check my mail so please help me out.tanx Configuration: / Opera 9....
Forgot my yahoo password and my mobile number is not working
Hello, can you help me please because I forgot my yahoo password and my mobile number is not working anymore
Forget yahoo mail password
Hello, pls help teams how to recover password. and i forget my old mobile number Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Yahoo account
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password and also forgot my secret Quenington so what can I do plan help me Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357...
Yahoo phone number
Hello, please could you tell me how to change my phone number Configuration: Windows / Internet Explorer 10.0
Yahoo mail account
Hello, What should I do? I log out frok my yahoo account however I forgot the Account key. None is working with the alternate options (like alternat...
Lost password and mobile number
Hello, sir i have lost my yahoo password and mobile number but i have remember my old yahoo account password plz help
My old phone number doesn't exist anymore
Hello, I have a problem. I can't get to my email 'cause I haven't activated this email for a long time. When it sends me a code to my phone number I c...
Yahoo forgot secret question
Hello, i forgot my secret question in yahoo . please help me to recover
I forgotmy yahoo password
Hello . I forgot my yahoo password .
Yahoo account recovery
Hello, I forgot my password. The only option that comes up for recovery is to use my alternate email and nothing more. My alternate email was my ...
Can't access yahoo account
Hello, I can't access my yahoo account I have changed my mobile number please can you help me thank you Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.1
Forgot password and changed mobile number
Hello, sir i want to access my email. plz help me Configuration: Windows / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Yahoo mail forget security question
Hello, Sir/Maam: forgot my yahoo mail security question, I need your help, if you dont mind. Thankss Configuration: Windows / F...
Bsnl wifi password reset
Hello, How do I reset my bsnl wifi password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Recover mail id
Hello, how can i recover my old yahoo mail id ***@*** Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.109
Forgot password and changed mobile number
Hello, I have forgot my password and changed mobile numbers denying me access to my email account pleaseadvise Configuration: Windows 7 / Moz...
Need to reset my password
hi i hav forgotten my password n my 2nd security question how do i reset them?
Is this a fake email or a hacker.
Hello, I have received a mail from yahoo-services which says: Dear ***@*** , ...
Other.ways of regaining access+
Hello, I don't remember my security question, and I don't have back up email. Is.there ither ways to regain accrss to my yahoomail??? Ive been tryin...
Forgot my password and security questions
Hello, help me to remember my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 40.0
Old yahoo recovery
Hello, i changed my phone number,and the server is asking if i want to send a code in my old no..which i dont can i recover my old yahoo...
Forgotten my user name and password
Hello, I haven't used my yahoo email for a long time and have forgotten my user name and password I need to retrieve some previous emails Can you ...
I forget my security question and answer
Hello, Dear sir/mam I forgot my yahoo security question and answer.. there are store more data and important files I tried and inserted this p...
We're having a problem yahoo mail downloading message
SolvedHello, we're having a problem yahoo mail downloading message. You have a your account information is correct. Then try later. Not update Error c...
Forgot security question password and alternative email
Hello, I'm from tanzania I forgot my passworrd alternative email and sq please help me to recover my emaiil ***@*** if possible send phone verif...
I forgot my my yahoo security question
Hello, I FORGOT MY YAHOO SECURITY question; my email is ***@*** pleas halp me thanks Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 44.0
Change password
Hello, Please change my password. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, hello sir i have a prbleme i can't acess my yahoo id and also forgot my password how i recover it or renew? Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Forget my passwaord plz help
Hello, forget my passwaord plz help
Yahoo account password
Hello, I am trying to get into my yahoo account.. I have forgotten my password and I do not have the same number that is linked with my account. The...