The discussions
Cannot get my yahoo mail
Hello, Not getting access to account
Cannot reset pw
When I try to reset own in Yahoo Mail I get a rate limit message
Using yahoo
Many of the organizations I interact with online have a Yahoo w-mail service to use to contact them. I can not get that service to accept my login inf...
How to recover my password if my phone is disconnected use the number
SolvedHello, hi how to recover my pass word if my phone is disconnected with the number i normally use
Yahoo account recovery
SolvedI have yahoo account and i know the password. The one thing that comes on my way is security question which i cannot remember. How can i recover/ acce...
My super old ymail account is active but i forgot my security answers
Hello, Hello, I login into my ymail account but there's a security question and i forgot the answer for it a long time ago, but the account is activ...
Recover yahoo mail
hi sir actully i lost may sim card and also i forgett my recovry mail but i remember passward of my account and also i use facebook with same acount...
How to recover an important message that went to spam
SolvedHello, I had an important legal document sent to my aol email account about 2 months ago. I went to spam and the spam folder only shows email...
Home page
How do I get my home page back to Yahoo.
How to create lists from my yahoo email addresses
I need to create lists of email addresses by category - like handyman, booklovers,thath expats,etc
Unblock someone from mobile yahoo account
Hello, How do I unblock an email address within my mobile account? Thx, Jbeach
Recovery of inbox and sent mails in yahoo account
Dear Sirs, I did not use my Yahoo mail account for more than 12 months, and when I opened it I couldn't find any mail in the inbox and in sent mail...
86 yo father can't sign in with correct email/password b/c yahoo requires verifi
My 86 yo father got a new tablet and we're trying to set him up again but I can't log him in to Yahoo. Why? No idea. We have the email addy & passwor...
Sorry, we don't recognize this email. how to recover it?
Hello, please resolve my problem which is Sorry, we don't recognize this email.
Please resolve my issue
Hello, sorry we don't recognize this email. yahoo fix message has been received and my yahoo account is stucked
Yahoo emails not working like before
Hello, using samsung chromebook os, after system update yahoo emails not opening fully. before update emails opened so that i could read them h...
Help with yahoo pro
Hello, i cant get help on this anywhere, im trying to update my debit card details for yahoo pro. but i cant change it, because they are asking for m...
Yahoo password forgotten
Hello, an vicent. Forgot my ***@*** account password. I used to send emails on ***@*** which is also my other account. I cant answer the text quest...
Forgotten yahoo password and security questions
Hello, how could I recover my forgotten password and security questions?
Mobile number to be changed.
Hello, I am not able to access Yahoo mail as the mobile number is changed. The verification code is being sent to earlier registered number. How to ch...
Change password of yahoo
Hello, Forget email
Password lost
Hello, Cam I get onetime code to login into my account. ***@***
Can't log in into yahoo mail
Hello, I can't log in into my yahoo mail account. I remember my pasword but it went like "We've noticed some unusual account activity.For your sa...
Old saved mail moved automatically to trash mail box
Hello, I have a problem with yahoo mail. Sometimes I find quite some old emails, even 50, moved to the trash box without my action. I guess ...
Sorry, we don't recognize this email. how to recover it?
SolvedHello, hello, I can't log into my Yahoo account. I know my email address and password, although Yahoo sign in says 'Sorry, we don't recogni...
Auto suggest email list
Hello, Is there a way to export my auto-fill (auto suggest) email addresses from Yahoo! Mail & import them into Outlook please? I already know how to ...
How to work with images in yahoo email
I have an email with a lot of images. Most have small text and numbers on them. It would be nice if I could enlarge and clarify an image, as can ...
Unhooking alias
Hello, Is there ANY way of unhooking an alias from an account and keeping the alias as a self-contained account? A widow who was an alias on her lat...
Deactivate my account by yahoo team
Hello, in before 2 day i am unable to login in my yahoo account. my yahoo account has been disable . Q1: what should i do now ?
Problem in login
Hello, despite many incorrect password entries I have found password for my yahoo email. When I try to login this message appears: we have noticed unu...
Mobile number loss and cannot access my email add
Hello, Hello, i cant log on my yahoo mail cuz i my old sim card dont work anymore,i have a password and i know it but my mail was setted to lo...
Hi i forgot my yahoo email password please help
Hello, Hi I forgot my Yahoo email password please help
Export yahoo contacts to csv fails to import to outlook 2010
I have tried from 2 different pcs to export my Yahoo contacts to a csv file. I have exported contacts many times to csv without having this issue, ...
Email distribution
Hello, I need your help about email forward or distribution. i've create new email if someone a send to this new email receive to 5 email user . how...
My account blocked
Hello, My account is asking for a verification code of which i lost the sim contacts to access that code also the alternative email of afritechno is...
Facebook account
Hello, I lost my phone so i cant get the code because my phone is lost?
Can't open emails in yahoo
SolvedHello, I've always been able to click on an email in Yahoo Mail so it opens and I can read it. Now I can't. When I click on a new message, a tab open...
Sorry, we don't recognize this account.
Hello, Sorry, we don't recognize this account and id are not open
Help with my email account on my laptop
Hello Recently I changed my password for my Yahoo email account on my cell phone however I wasn't using my account on my laptop so I didn't access ...
No pics!!!
Why all of a sudden can I not send my photos to Facebook. Ive done it for years!
Emails blocked
Hello, I've been told that AT&T is blocking emails from, IP (which is a non-profit organization) to a number of its member...
I forgot my 2nd question of my password.can i recover it..then please help mel
Hello, I would like to ask an help for my password of my Yahoo mail. I forgot the answer of my 2nd question. Can I recover it.please help me. ...
I forget my password to my email
Hello, My name is yesenia Valentin I forget my email to yeseniaValentin@rocketmail they give me the questions to sign in but I don't remember the se...
My yahoo mail verification code
SolvedHello, i for got my Yhaoo mail verification code and had try so many time to got the code through message in my phone number **** , but unfor...
Whats the author use in secret question? i forgot
Free fire diamonds
How to get free diamonds in free fire?
Please help me recover my yahoo mail account
Hotmail account locked
Hello, I am locked out of my hotmail account how long before I can log back in?
Email deactivation and istagram account issues
Hello, My account has been deleted due to inactivity and it has been more than 90 days since it got deleted. My Instagram account has been deactivat...
Sorry, we don't recognize this email.
Hello, Here is my email address [***@***] which i have been using for years now until on Sunday 28/02/2021 which i noticed i can't login to my accou...