How to solve undefined index error in PHP: $ _GET, $ _POST

$ _POST or $ _GET are two special PHP functions that are used to get variables from a user-filled form. While using these functions, a user may encounter an error, stating that there is an undefined index. This error can be avoided with the help of PHP isset ().
N.B. Undefined index is a minor error and is, therefore, not usually notified by default. Still, this depends on the server's configuration. With the help of the error_reporting function, the type of error reported can be changed.
How to fix undefined index error in PHP?
To avoid this error when using the $ _POST or $ _GET variables, simply test whether the table's fields were initialized with the function isset ().
// Before using $_POST['value'] if (isset($_POST['value'])) { // Instructions if $_POST['value'] exist }
This should resolve the Undefined index PHP error.
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