Invoicing and Quotation Billing offers a customizable and user-friendly interface to create any type of invoice.
Disclaimer: it seems that the publisher's website is closed and that the software is no longer supported. If the program no longer work on your computer, or runs with recurring error messages, we recommend that you consider an alternative software.
What are the key features of Invoicing and Quotation Billing?
- Record: With this tool, you can have the details of all work that has been done, the closed invoices and also the bank details of the payments. Users can also create a cashbook of the invoice's status and amounts.
- Insert: Users can also insert in their database all information about clients, employees, payment methods as well as shipping address.
- Printing: Invoicing and Quotation Billing offers a printing option. It allows printing quotations, cashbook, payment history, contacts/customer list, invoices by date, invoices closed, invoices unpaid, parts discontinued as well as parts list.
- Other features: Users have the opportunity to email clients, to launch search for invoices and quotations and assign package prices to quotations. Apart from that, they can also create a product stock list, emails, tasks and appointments.

Is it free?
This is a demo version of the product. It seems that he full version is no longer available for purchase.
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