Laptop keyboard problem

KM - Updated on Nov 12, 2018 at 12:42 AM
 Sue - Aug 28, 2017 at 04:37 AM
Hello, I have an IBM Thinkpad laptop and get numbers instead of characters on some ok the keys. a 2 on the K 5 on the I and so on. I have tried unlocking the FN key using the suggested key combination on this forum but with no luck. Does anyone know what else I can try?

9 responses

If anyone have these type of keyboard problem then just
  • Do Windows+R and
  • or go to start->program->accessories->accessibility->on screen keyboard and click on num button left hand side of that on screen keyboard (means turn off that num lock option).

EDIT: On Windows 10 :
  • click on Options :
  • then choose "Turn on numeric key pad".

This is a simple and best way to solve all types of laptop or pc.
Thank you
SONI: Thanks and I solved the issue! Cooljers