Strange behavior ( not that much)

Joel - Jun 15, 2009 at 12:23 AM Posts 2 Registration date Sunday June 14, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 15, 2009 - Jun 15, 2009 at 12:33 AM

I recently read this site and I must say I got really impressed with the feedback, well to the point I really need help, my computer Is almost new maybe 5 month old, it has a 512 mb video card, X-fi xtreme gamer, Dualcore of 3 ghz a bfg psu of 550 watts ( 85% certified should be enough). Well the thing is that it has started behaving weard. I doesn´t boot well sometimes. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesnt. When it doesnt the green and the red light of the power are both on, if i press the reset button it starts ok, sometime i have to hold the reset button for 3 or 5 seconds for it to work. It is like it doesnt boot well.Should I try the eraser with the ram? O this might be caused by a mal functioning of the cables or wrong behavior othe cables situated in the front panel?.

Thanx I really appaciate any help, I'm a little frustrated with this ( I saved to buy this). any ideas?

Thank you, care

1 response Posts 2 Registration date Sunday June 14, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 15, 2009
Jun 15, 2009 at 12:33 AM
listen you just have to do is just do the partion again and boot properly .then it will be alright